unmountable boot volume?

May 3, 2006
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i keep geeting the famous bluescreen crash when i try to turn on windows.
evben when i try to open in safe mode the same thing happens
i know there are some errors in the hard drive but i cant fix them until i get past this screen!
what can i do to??

come on experts!!
... there are no experts here

You can boot to the XP cd and when you see the Welcome to setup press the letter R
You will get a dos prompt
Then type "chkdsk /p" without the quotes and hit enter
When that is done type "fixboot" and hit enter
"Y" and enter at the prompt
Then type "exit" and hit enter

The system should now reboot into Windows

If for some reason that don't work for you, you can boot to the recovery console as above and ...
Type "chkdsk /r" then enter
When done type "exit" and hit enter.

This will take longer, but the system should boot back into Windows.

unfortunately didnt work, it doesnt allow me to get to the 'welcome page' the screen crashes before when windows is loading.
ive tried safe mode, LKGC but it keeps crashing..any other suggestions???
id luv to! but there is too much data on it i cant afford to lose....surely there must be something i can do???
general levy said:
id luv to! but there is too much data on it i cant afford to lose....surely there must be something i can do???
Well, IF I had a little information on what the PC is ... I may be able to help, especially if you can give me the whole of the error message.

You obviously have access to another PC or you wouldn't be here ... slave the HD of that PC and copy your data over ... or use a Linux "live" CD, like Knoppix.

7 time out of 10 your HD has failed/failing ... :(
yep ive got 3! all dell...andl all crap!!

the laptop is a dell inspiron 1150

the error message is STOP: 0X000000ED (OX81B63D8O, 0XC0000006, 0X00000000, 0X00000000)

slave the HD? how do i do that?


On the front of the hard drive where the Leads plug in u will see small metal pins sticking out.

ON the top it gives a diagram of what pins give certain options when shorted with a Jumper ( a small oblong plastic connector ) usually black, white or red

Simply take the Jumper of the MA pins (Master) and place it onto the SL (Slave)

Connect the IDE lead (flat Cable) and the power connector back onto drive and boot up. These will only fit in one way,so if your forcing it its the wrong way!