Hi, THere seems to be a contradiction in the following posts
This article mentions you need to use a launcher app because it is not possible
to use the VS2003 app
"but even eVC would not let you to specify a managed application as a debug
target even for a sole purpose of being able to set a break point in your DLL project."
as Alex mentions on the link.
However in the following Newsgroup post:
Paul T mentions :
"Here's what you should do to debug the DLL:
1. Go to Settings | Debug and set both the local EXE name (you can use the
pop-up menu to Browse... for the local C# EXE or you can enter the full
path to it directly in the edit box), and the remote EXE name (on the WinCE
2. Set the breakpoint in the DLL via the eVC editor.
3. Run the C# program *from eVC* by hitting F5!!!!!
4. When the EXE's UI appears on the WinCE device, cause it to call the DLL.
You should arrive at the breakpoint in eVC. "
I've tried doing what Paul suggested but my breakpoint dos not get hit. Infact
i get the warning 'One or more breakpoints could not be moved and have been disabled'
So does this mean i need to use the launcher app as in Alex Feinmann's post or is it possible to do
this Paul's way.
This article mentions you need to use a launcher app because it is not possible
to use the VS2003 app
"but even eVC would not let you to specify a managed application as a debug
target even for a sole purpose of being able to set a break point in your DLL project."
as Alex mentions on the link.
However in the following Newsgroup post:
Paul T mentions :
"Here's what you should do to debug the DLL:
1. Go to Settings | Debug and set both the local EXE name (you can use the
pop-up menu to Browse... for the local C# EXE or you can enter the full
path to it directly in the edit box), and the remote EXE name (on the WinCE
2. Set the breakpoint in the DLL via the eVC editor.
3. Run the C# program *from eVC* by hitting F5!!!!!
4. When the EXE's UI appears on the WinCE device, cause it to call the DLL.
You should arrive at the breakpoint in eVC. "
I've tried doing what Paul suggested but my breakpoint dos not get hit. Infact
i get the warning 'One or more breakpoints could not be moved and have been disabled'
So does this mean i need to use the launcher app as in Alex Feinmann's post or is it possible to do
this Paul's way.