derek / nul
Is there any utilities to unload unused dll's from memory?
Is there any utilities to unload unused dll's from memory?
Mike Andrade said:
From the EULA of the latest version:x-setup is now x-setup pro and it is no longer freeware.
derek / nul said:Is there any utilities to unload unused dll's from memory?
Mike said:Now say you're sorry for villifying my good name.
Why should he?
I - T. Spelling flames are for those with no intelligence who want toHe didn't, and you can't even spell it.
derek said:Is there any utilities to unload unused dll's from memory?
Zo said:I came across this one that says that it will do what you want.
PC Tuner 1.7 714.8 kb
omega said:Hi, Zo. I'm fairly sure, from looking at the descriptions and pics, that
this is just a "system tweaker." The part about "unload dlls" there, it
looks to concern the registry setting for the OS. I have the assumption
that Derek would have already configured that setting. From there, what
he seeks, and what I have not found in current freeware, it's a process
manager that has specifically an "unload dll" or "unload module" function.
At the moment, there is only freeware I know of for unloading 16bit modules.
An ancient 1994 prog by msft, named WPS.
In payware process monitors, these are the several I know about that have
the unload dll function:
<$$> Task Pro; Unixorn; DLL Demon </$$>
The copies I have are vintage 1995 for the first two, and 1998 for the last.
I checked Dll Demon, to see if it might have turned freeware, but nope; its
website is up, and still asking for money. I didn't check the other two.
Zo said:Karen you're probably correct, and the only reason I posted it is because of the
following caption that appears beneath the first link screenshot:
"Checking Unload dll after use frees up memory by removing dlls from RAM when
their corresponding programs are closed. If your PC has a bucketload of memory
then program will load faster if their dlls are left in RAM, but if you're short
of memory or dabble with programming then it's best to have the memory grabbing
dlls kicked out of RAM."
derek / nul said:Is there any utilities to unload unused dll's from memory?
derek said:Is there any utilities to unload unused dll's from memory?
I came across this one that says that it will do what you want.
PC Tuner 1.7 714.8 kb
For Win9x/ME/NT/2000 don't know if it will work on XP
screenshot here:
another screenshot and download link at this page:
Site says its freeware, haven't used it, maybe someone in the group is
familiar with it.
derek / nul said:wrote in message
Is there any utilities to unload unused
dll's from memory?
Not sure but now i think you must be a registered member at PC Mag site
in order to get their free download programs.
You may find a download for it elsewhere though.
UnClean 2.0
Zo said:Derek,
I was able to find this small app called DLL Manager, the author's site
is no longer around. The file name for it is dllmgr.zip. When doing a
Google search for it, I found a download site, but from the readme file,
a few files are not included in this zip file:
Required DLLs not supplied with the small download version:
VBRUN100.DLL VB runtime DLL
CMDIALOG.VBX Common Dialog control (from VB PTK)
CMDIALOG.DLL Common Dialog DLL (supplied with Win 3.1)
TOOLHELP.DLL Windows low-level analysis DLL, can't remember whether
it comes with Win 3.1 or the SDK.
THREED.VBX 3D control (from VB PTK)
Of all of the files listed only "cmdialog.vbx". was not found on my
Win98SE system. I located this file and have included in the the zip
file that I just uploaded to the alt.binaries.freeware newsgroup. It is
only 21 kb in size and I hope this is what you are seeking. The site
where I found the original zip file is here:
tiny url version: http://tinyurl.com/4mgeu
This app has the ability to load and unload dll's
It runs just fine on my Win98SE system, should run on others as well.
derek / nul said:Is there any utilities to unload unused dll's from memory?