I'm currently playing with security policy in test environment.
I created test sec. policy and link it to domain object, default domain
policy hasn't been changed in any way.
New settings worked just fine: password length and complexity, account
lockout etc.
I tried to unlink sec. policy just to be sure that I can roll back to
initial state when only default domain policy exist. After unlinking gpo all
sec settings still remain active -- I should use complex and long
passwords,lockout setting etc, it looks like somewhere link is still exists.
I will be very grateful for any help,
I'm currently playing with security policy in test environment.
I created test sec. policy and link it to domain object, default domain
policy hasn't been changed in any way.
New settings worked just fine: password length and complexity, account
lockout etc.
I tried to unlink sec. policy just to be sure that I can roll back to
initial state when only default domain policy exist. After unlinking gpo all
sec settings still remain active -- I should use complex and long
passwords,lockout setting etc, it looks like somewhere link is still exists.
I will be very grateful for any help,