"Unlimited data" has consequences


Subarctic Penguin
Mar 11, 2008
Reaction score
The volume of mobile data used in Finland in Elisa’s network has reached a record high. The average use of a data user in August was over 13 GB per subscription. Finland is the number one country in the world in the use of mobile data. The increase in the volume of mobile data in August was particularly influenced by following and streaming the Olympic Games on mobile devices.


Data traffic in DNA’s mobile network exceeded the volume of fixed broadband traffic this summer. In the next few years, the data volume of the mobile network continues to grow. Most of DNA’s mobile traffic is now 4G traffic.

In August, DNA’s fixed broadband network handled approximately 27,000 terabytes of data per month, whereas the data volume in mobile network was significantly higher, nearly 32,000 terabytes. Mobile network traffic is estimated to grow at an increasing speed in years to come.


... as long as there is no mid-airwave crashes, things should be fine. :)
I have a mobile phone I haven't used or had the need to use it since I had it. Oh I am wrong I did charge once it when I had it but don't believe in constant communication, how did we manage a few years ago there were always red telephone boxes if we needed to contact someone, don't see them now.
don't see them now.


Covent Garden



... a few years ago there were always red telephone boxes if we needed to contact someone, don't see them now.

Last time I had a land line phone at home must've been... 1997 or -98. As for phone booths... nostalgia sure ain't what it used to be: how "nice" it was to find out that the cord was cut... or the damned thing just ate your coin... or that the ONE page in the directory you needed was ripped off... or (my favourite) someone (EVERYone) had used the booth as urinal. Or worse.



Last booths disappeared a decade ago. The last public phones ones WERE in Helsinki Central Railway Station. Long gone now.


In 2010, roughly 20 percent of subscribers had fixed telephone lines. That proportion fell to 14 percent in 2012, and in 2015 just 10 percent of subscribers had land lines – half of them in the corporate sector.


Ficora: Data transfer and telephone subscriptions in 2015
I have 2 ordinary telephones in our little bungalow constantly in use and Sarah has a mobile always in use me I have a mobile constantly switched off don't even know the number.