Unknown software exception



When I browse to certain websites, I got this error:

The exception unknown software exception (0x0eedfade) occurred in the
application at location 0x7c81eb33.

This error happens only in specified websites, e.g. www.lowyat.net/v2.
Please advice me on how to fix this error.

Thank you in advance.

Rob ^_^


The web page contains a flash animation. Check that you have the latest
version of Flash or that the ActiveX control is not damaged.

Open Internet Options, on the General tab select the Settings button in the
Temporary Internet Files frame. Select View Objects next. Right click on the
Shockwave ActiveX Control and the Shockwave Flash Object and select the
appropiate menu option (update or repair)



Hi Rob,

I have uninstalled Macromedia FlashPlayer 9.0 from my PC using a small
program I downloaded from Internet. However the problem still remains the
same. I even tried to restart my PC but still unable to fix the error. When I
go to www.lowyat.net/v2, I saw the yellow bar informs me I need to install
FlashPlayer 9.0 bla bla bla.... But then just in few seconds, this error pops
up, I click on "OK" and the IE browser is closed. I feel so annoying by this
error, now I am using the Firefox, it gives me no problem at all. Hope you
can help me to figure the problem as I used to IE as the browser.


Rob ^_^


Seems to me that the problem has been caused by the program that you used to
remove the ActiveX flash control from your puter. Perhaps it has not
properly removed the control from the windows registry.

Suggest you re-install flash.(Go to macromedia.com) If you don't want to use
flash (most commercial networks block it to decrease bandwidth usage.. it is
mostly used for unproductive advertising) your firewall software (eg.
Nortons Productivity console) can block it being loaded in IE.

If this is on your work computer, the network administrator can also disable
flash in IE with the Group Policy editor. This is too complicated for me to
explain here.


Jon Kennedy

This could be a problem with downloading/installing Flash from the web site
in question, or it could be a problem with your system's current Flash

Do you have any toolbar or other helper application that blocks Flash? Some
toolbars that block pop-ups also have a Flash-blocker.

Completely uninstall any Flash you currently have and try to reinstall:

More info http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=tn_19166

See this site for .reg file to make sure Flash is enabled in the registry:
http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_tweaks.htm - line 363 on the left.
Download to your desktop and double-click to merge to your registry or right
click and choose Merge - or Edit to see exactly what modifications it will
make to your registry.

Check your security settings - Tools...Internet Options...Security tab,
click Internet Zone, click Custom, and make sure automatic downloads are
enabled. Ensure that "Download Signed ActiveX controls" and "Run ActiveX
controls and plug-ins" are not disabled.

If you are behind a proxy server or are in an administered network
environment - they may be blocking Flash.

If you are trying to install via a web page, try installing via the
downloadable installer:
http://www.macromedia.com/go/full_flashplayer_win_msi or
http://www.adobe.com/go/full_flashplayer_win_ie - current version

This is a silent installer - you will get no feedback if the install is
successful. You can check for your Flash install status here:

Tools...Manage Add-ons...change menu to "Add-ons that have been used by IE"
and make sure that "Shockwave ActiveX Control" and "Shockwave Flash Object"
are set to "enabled".

Try posting your issue to the Macromedia Flash support forum:
As you'll see, you are not alone in having trouble installing Flash, and
they have support engineers there monitoring the group.

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