Unknown software exception error in IE

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I already posted this question once before. I was told it is related to
Macromedia FlashPlayer, however I have tried to uninstall and reinstall
FlashPlayer yet this problem still exists. Now I even found this error
happens more frequently on more websites. For example, I even get unknown
software exception when I try to check my new email from MSN which opens the
IE. This error only comes out recently, I have no idea at all why this
happening. I didn't install any new software and the IE was running fine
before this. But now this unknown software exception keeps on pop out
randomly. So I start using Firefox as I never get such error in Firefox, not
even those websites that require Flash Player. Please advice.
7C81EAFD test esi,esi
7C81EAFF mov dword ptr [ebp-4Ch],eax
7C81EB02 mov dword ptr [ebp-44h],7C81EAE1h
7C81EB09 je 7C81EBA9
7C81EB0F mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+10h]
7C81EB12 cmp ecx,0Fh
7C81EB15 ja 7C844584
7C81EB1B test ecx,ecx
7C81EB1D mov dword ptr [ebp-40h],ecx
7C81EB20 je 7C81EB29
7C81EB22 push edi
7C81EB23 lea edi,[ebp-3Ch]
7C81EB26 rep movs dword ptr [edi],dword ptr [esi]
7C81EB28 pop edi
7C81EB29 lea eax,[ebp-50h]
7C81EB2C push eax
7C81EB2D call dword ptr ds:[7C801504h]
7C81EB33 pop esi <--- ERROR HERE
7C81EB34 leave
7C81EB35 ret 10h
7C81EB38 test edi,edi
7C81EB3A jle 7C80BC26
7C81EB40 mov edx,dword ptr [ebp-4]
7C81EB43 mov dword ptr [ebp+0Ch],edx
7C81EB46 movzx edx,word ptr [esi]
7C81EB49 mov edi,dword ptr [ebp-8]
7C81EB4C mov dl,byte ptr [edx+edi]
7C81EB4F mov byte ptr [ecx],dl
7C81EB51 mov edi,dword ptr [eax+0Ch]
7C81EB54 movzx edx,dl
7C81EB57 mov dx,word ptr [edi+edx*2]
7C81EB5B cmp dx,word ptr [esi]
7C81EB5E jne 7C84B293
7C81EB64 mov edx,dword ptr [eax+8]
7C81EB67 mov bx,word ptr [edx+4]
7C81EB6B cmp byte ptr [ecx],bl
7C81EB6D je 7C84B2A0
7C81EB73 inc esi
7C81EB74 inc esi
7C81EB75 inc ecx
7C81EB76 dec dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]
7C81EB79 je 7C80BC26
7C81EB7F jmp 7C81EB46
7C81EB81 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp+10h]
7C81EB84 call 7C80A2C4
7C81EB89 mov edx,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]
7C81EB8C mov ebx,eax
7C81EB8E inc ebx
7C81EB8F jmp 7C80CFE8
7C81EB94 mov ebx,ecx
7C81EB96 mov dword ptr [ebp+8],ebx
7C81EB99 jmp 7C80CEE7
7C81EB9E mov esi,dword ptr ds:[7C88375Ch]
7C81EBA4 jmp 7C80CEED
7C81EBA9 and dword ptr [ebp-40h],0
7C81EBAD jmp 7C81EB29
7C81EBB2 mov byte ptr [ebp-2Bh],1
7C81EB33 pop esi <--- ERROR HERE

That seems to be an exception in kernel32.dll

You're more likely to get better clues from the Stack.
E.g. I would suspect the caller or even its caller before
worrying about the code which allows this symptom.

E.g. if drwtsn32.log captures the same exception.
find the FAULT -> prefix in it (e.g. in an English dump)
to locate the right thread information and then scroll down
to the thread's Stack Back Trace.

See if the other modules don't provide better clues.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle