i am a teacher and i am currently making a mark book.
eack term a student gets a form order which is either 1,
2, or 3 - this number relates to the third of the class
which the student is in (1 - top third, 2 - middle third
and 3 - last third). is there any function which will
calculate this automatically from the sutdents average
mark (out of 10) and/or their rank in the class. please
help and thank you in advance to whoever can help.
Adam Smith
eack term a student gets a form order which is either 1,
2, or 3 - this number relates to the third of the class
which the student is in (1 - top third, 2 - middle third
and 3 - last third). is there any function which will
calculate this automatically from the sutdents average
mark (out of 10) and/or their rank in the class. please
help and thank you in advance to whoever can help.
Adam Smith