I've recently noticed a program feeding off my the CPU anywhere from 3 to 15
percent and fluctuation is constant some times makeing lad time which seems
greater than any percentage it is reporting. Have googled the file, yahoo,
Microsoft & Sony knowlegebase even the virus/malware team have never heard of
the file & nobody can find records of it its existance. Has anyone seen a
file called SONYMQAD.EXE? I belive it to be related to a media player of some
kind and the first 4 letters says it all but 45 min and after charging me $19
they have never heard of it or show any records (Not sure but am leaning
towards the belife that it is a newer version of DRM rootkit running
uncloaked). Any help?
percent and fluctuation is constant some times makeing lad time which seems
greater than any percentage it is reporting. Have googled the file, yahoo,
Microsoft & Sony knowlegebase even the virus/malware team have never heard of
the file & nobody can find records of it its existance. Has anyone seen a
file called SONYMQAD.EXE? I belive it to be related to a media player of some
kind and the first 4 letters says it all but 45 min and after charging me $19
they have never heard of it or show any records (Not sure but am leaning
towards the belife that it is a newer version of DRM rootkit running
uncloaked). Any help?