Unknown BSOD

Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score
0x0000008e (0xc0000005, 0x00000000, 0xb428c88c, 0x00000000)

I dont know whats causing this but its happening every other day while im streaming radio shows...

I have

Windows Xp Svc Pck 2
512 MB Ram
200 gb HDD
128 mb Nvidia Geforce fx 5500

if u need the dmp file, i dont know how to upload it.

Thats all the info i have atm, if u need anymore ill try to get it.
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0x0000008e errors generally are to do with hardware driver issues - try updating your Graphics Card drivers first :thumb:

In Start>Settings>Control Panel>Admin Tools>Event Viewer, are there any Application or System errors logged around these times?
NO errors just the log of the physical dump., Graphics card drivers are up to date, Im checking for other hardware driver updates.
Usually occurs when programs reference incorrect memory addresses. Have you got the latest Windows updates?

On another note I seem to recall seeing something similar last year. In that case it was a video stream which transmitted a backdoor rootkit (rustock) which was causing the system to drop to a BSOD.
It was an elusive beggar as it concealed its own activity from most anti-virus software and was invisible in safe-mode too. I believe Symantec have a fix.
Try to remove the RAM then slot in back, then use the MemTest program to diagnose the RAM whether got error or not.
Are you using one 512MB Ram or is two 256MB Ram? If using two 256MB Ram, try plug out one and left the other one run see got that problem again or not.