unknown added files to Administrator folder



Hi there all,
I have a concern and a question. Last night I needed to log in as
administrator the very first time since I have bought this computer by
booting in safe mode. While working in this account, I found a there
where files in this location.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temporary
Internet Files and...

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temporary
Internet Files\Content.IE5

I have purchased this computer I believe in April 2002, and was already
setup with 4 account folders. The first folder called Administrator,
the second folder called All Users, the third folder called Default
Users, and the last folder called Owner. Like I said in my first
sentence, last night was the first night, I ever logged in as
administrator, yet these files modified dates where all dated between
December 1, 2002, to December 31, 2002. So my concern is it possible
that someone maliciously placed these files on my computer, or is
possible that some web sites apply their cookies and other junk in this
folder? And my question is, do you think it is safe to delete them?
Meaning maybe its' some sort of configerations that comcast uses and
shouldn't be deleted?

thanks for your time reading this and in advance for the help in your


All that stuff you listed is supposed to be there.

Some reading might help.

Windows XP Booklist

Microsoft Windows XP Inside Out 2nd ed ISBN 0-7356-2044-X
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Resource Kit 2nd ed ISBN 0-7356-1974-3
Microsoft Windows Command-Line ISBN 0-7356-2038-5
Windows XP Pro 2nd ed The Missing Manual ISBN 0-596-00898-8
Windows XP in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition ISBN 0-596-00900-3
Windows XP Annoyances, 2nd ed ISBN 0-596-00876-7
Windows XP Hacks, 2nd ed ISBN 0-596-0000918-6
Windows XP Solutions ISBN 0-7645-6773-X
Windows XP Speed Solutions ISBN 0-7645-7814-6
Guide to Home Networking ISBN 0-7645-4473-X

Wesley Vogel

Delete the contents of the Content.IE5 folder.

Default Local Disk Folders

Folder Name: Documents and Settings
Contents: Account information for each user who is granted access on the
computer. Each user account is represented by a subfolder assigned the
name. Folders under each user account folder include My Documents,
and Start Menu.

These include:

All Users
Default User

Some of the above are Hidden folders.
These are System folders and shouldn't be deleted.

The Owner account may not be removed correctly when you run Setup on
computers that are running Windows XP Home Edition. The Owner account is
displayed as "Account Unknown" when you view profiles on the computer.
the Owner folder is not removed because the profile is not removed. Note
that other problems occur if an Owner account is used or created during
remainder of setup or Out of Box Experience (OOBE).]]

[[This problem does not occur on Microsoft Windows XP Professional-based
computers because the Administrator account is used during Setup.]]

The Owner Account Is Displayed As "Account Unknown"
in Profiles on Windows XP Home Edition-Based Computers

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User



Jerry and Wesley,
I think I didn't explain my concerns to well. As to Jerry's post, you
say that all that stuff I had described above should be in there. I
understand that the folders need to be in there, but what I am not sure
of are the the actual files that were put in the Temporary Internet
Files folder. Some examples would be like so...

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Temporary Internet
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Temporary Internet
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Temporary Internet

.... just like files are placed in the Temporary Internet Files folder
located in the folder of the logged on user.

However the weird part is, considering that I am the only user and only
need to log on to the Owner account, I like to know how these other
files got into my Adminstrator folder when I had never used this
account up untill last night. The only thing I could come up with is
that either 1. some one maliciously installed these files even though
Norton says there are no viruses found (possible), 2 some web sites
actually need to put there cookies etc. in this account folder (not
highly possible though doable since my owner account has administrator
access rights), or the last reason which sounds more reasonable, is
that comcast had installed these files that are neccersary to connect
to their site and get access to my accounts.

And the reason why I am posting besides wanting to know how these files
got in the Administrator folder is I want to make sure these aren't
files that comcast or some other site uses before I delete them. I ask
this because the last time I deleted cookies, I was not able to access
this one web site becuase the cookie had how many times I visited, what
files I was alowed to download, and my password. The web site relied on
making sure that you are a registered software user and how many times
you where you allowed to download. Yeah the company had my info which I
is how I was able to request for the registration key again, but the
site use to be designed to try to be like an antitheft program that
compares between the cookie if created on the user's system and checks
to see if it matches whats in their database.

I thank my lucky stars that they stopped this style of antitheft and
they now give you your logon and password per request if you forgetten
it or lost it etc. just like how most other sites work. Though before
it was a nightmare, and you needed a registration key that must stay on
your system. So that being said, I have been scared of deleting cookies
etc, when I have spent my good hard earned money online. Who knows what
web sites do this style of antitheft, though it is possible because it
happened to me, and I didn't see any docs stating that it was important
for knowing that I needed to keep this cookie.


Calm down, the files are harmless. When you were logged in as Administrator
"last night" you accessed a web page. ".xml" Extensible Markup Language,
used to allow for the easy interchange of documents on the World Wide Web.
".css" Cascading Style Sheets, provides better means for controlling the
design of a Web page. And "js", JavaScript is a scripting language
developed by Netscape to enable Web authors to design interactive sites.
Leav'em or delet'em. Feel better now.

roofy said:
Jerry and Wesley,
I think I didn't explain my concerns to well. As to Jerry's post, you
say that all that stuff I had described above should be in there. I
understand that the folders need to be in there, but what I am not sure
of are the the actual files that were put in the Temporary Internet
Files folder. Some examples would be like so...

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Temporary Internet
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Temporary Internet
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Temporary Internet

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