Universal phone charger - will work with most phones!


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
I saw this on the BBC website and was wondering why did they not come up with this idea before? They could do the same with a Laptops power supply and save a few more tons of greenhouse gas emission. Yes? No?

Universal phone charger approved
Sounds a good idea. :thumb:

I had something very similar a few years back. A small device which charged any make of phone, bought in a back street shop in Knysna, South Africa for the equivalent of £5. The main difference was that you had to take the battery out of the phone first and simply charge the battery on its own. It did, however, charge any make of battery because of its adaptability and worked very well when I found that I could not get the specific charger for the phone I had with me, having accidently left my own back in the UK. :)
Good idea :thumb:

Beats me why phone manufacturers couldn't have got together and done this themselves though.

Oh, I know why, they're only in it for the money... ;)

Hmm, sounds like a good title for a Frank Zappa Album...
This is an excellent idea and I'm glad that some big names have gone for it - it makes total sense if companies are serious on cutting down on waste, but also excellent for consumers as we don't need to bother with loads of chargers.

I hope Apple also subscribe to this view, as they seem to use proprietary peripherals for iPhones :wall:
My last 4 mobiles all have had different chargers.
Having one that fits all is much better & easier on the pocket!