unistall IE in XP SP2?



Is there a way to unistall IE in XP SP2? When I look in ADD/REMOVE
PROGRAMS, I dont see IE at all.


Internet Explorer has been an integral part of Windows for many releases and
cannont be un-installed. It is used for Windows Update and Office Update.

You may install other browsers and set them up as the default browser.


I had problems with XP SP2, SP2 Prevented my internet connection to
Broadband, I went to Programs/Accessories/System Tools and used Restore,
moving back to an earlier date cured the problem. I tried XP2 at a later date
but it caused the same problem. Broadband technician suggested same cure
having personally come across the problem, he stated that he would retry in
6months time to see if Microsoft had cured the conflict. If Microsoft read
this, any input?

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


All the uninstall option does is remove the mention of IE from the program
menu and desktop. It does not actually remove IE, as it is an integrated
part of the operating system. The option can still be found in Add & Remove
under the Windows Components.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org


I had problems with XP SP2, SP2 Prevented my internet connection to
Broadband, I went to Programs/Accessories/System Tools and used Restore,
moving back to an earlier date cured the problem. I tried XP2 at a later date
but it caused the same problem. Broadband technician suggested same cure
having personally come across the problem, he stated that he would retry in
6months time to see if Microsoft had cured the conflict. If Microsoft read
this, any input?
"V" wrote:

If SP2 restarted your 3rd party firewall, it might have been as simple as
going into IE and deleting cookies, temp files & history. Well it is a
thought anyway. When I used Norton Personal firewall this is exactly what
happened, but that was XP .


Have you tried disabling SP2's built-in firewall? It's somewhere in the new
security options--you can opt to allow something else to handle firewall-type

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