Hello. I've been able to do the following in other languages
(perl,jscript,etc.) but am a asp.net newbie and need some help.
I have this textbox that has a bunch of data in it. At the beginning
of almost every line I have some names followed by a ":" Many (about
3/4) of the names will be duplicates. I'd like to produce a unique
list of names (as they appear) and the count of unique names. So far I
can produce the list of names. In other languages I know how to build
an array that keys it's values by the value itself bucket and
resulting in only unique values. How would I accomplish this task in
VB-asp.net. Many Many thanks!
construct chatter list, remove dups
dim chatters as arraylist
chatters = new arraylist
dim sfor as string
sfor = "^(.+):"
Dim regexp2 as Regex = new Regex (sfor, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase or
RegexOptions.Multiline )
Dim objMatch as Match
For Each objMatch in regexp2.Matches(chat.text)
xcntt = xcntt + 1
Hello. I've been able to do the following in other languages
(perl,jscript,etc.) but am a asp.net newbie and need some help.
I have this textbox that has a bunch of data in it. At the beginning
of almost every line I have some names followed by a ":" Many (about
3/4) of the names will be duplicates. I'd like to produce a unique
list of names (as they appear) and the count of unique names. So far I
can produce the list of names. In other languages I know how to build
an array that keys it's values by the value itself bucket and
resulting in only unique values. How would I accomplish this task in
VB-asp.net. Many Many thanks!
construct chatter list, remove dups
dim chatters as arraylist
chatters = new arraylist
dim sfor as string
sfor = "^(.+):"
Dim regexp2 as Regex = new Regex (sfor, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase or
RegexOptions.Multiline )
Dim objMatch as Match
For Each objMatch in regexp2.Matches(chat.text)
xcntt = xcntt + 1