Dave K.
I have a query based on two tables joined together. The data that is pulled
is as follows:
if it is a Primary or Secondary Agent (Coded as P or S)
Agency Code (Number)
Agency Name (Text)
Address (Text)
City (Text)
State (Text)
Zip (text)
I want a query to pull the Agent code, Agent Name, Address, State, and Zip
for all Primary agents and only the Seconday Agents where the address is
different from that of the primary agents address.
is as follows:
if it is a Primary or Secondary Agent (Coded as P or S)
Agency Code (Number)
Agency Name (Text)
Address (Text)
City (Text)
State (Text)
Zip (text)
I want a query to pull the Agent code, Agent Name, Address, State, and Zip
for all Primary agents and only the Seconday Agents where the address is
different from that of the primary agents address.