Unique Problem with Live Streaming Radio



Hope someone here might be able to HELP! I posted this in
the Media Player newsgroups with NO response or
suggestions. I have XP-Home with ALL updates.

I have an unusual problem (almost everyone else can hear
these stations), and I hope someone will either have
settings for me to adjust or a trouble shooting tool.

I have been starting to check out the different live radio
audio streams. I receive with no problem several
different streams, KABC, WABC, WLS, KCMO, KLOU, some I
know the stream provider such as streamaudio and
surfernet, etc., some I don't. Because I have NO problems
with these different streams I would think my settings are
fine with my browser, media player9, firewall, and anti-
virus program. I have all updates and plugins.

What is unusual and confusing is that "sometimes"
after deleting files (wish I knew which files?) cache and
shutting down. I can play the 2 radio stations only once
thru the browser or paste the url in media player and
again they play only once.
But close either IE or media player then reopen and I
no longer can recieve the stream.
It is almost as if there is a setting that says run once
and no more.

The 2 stations I am having problems with the stream
are WSM (wsmonline.com) and KTRS (ktrs.com).
Each of these stations uses eonstreams. But remember I
said that every so often I can get each station to play
once, AND SurferNet is a 3rd party client of eonstreams
and I have no problem with any of their stations. The
only difference I notice is that Surfernet had a plugin.

Each of these stations symptoms are different though.

WSM will ask me for my speed connection and then a
player will appear and the buffer indicator will go back
and forth. When it is not working the player will appear
but the buffer indicator will got back and forth only

KTRS does not ask for speed connection and shows no
player. The problem indication is a message cannot
connect to server ERROR = C00D1198.

The problem has to be on my end since I have NO
problems with other audio and video streams, AND each of
these stations will play at least once (but I am not sure
exactly what I did each time), plus I have NO problems
with SurferNet stations which is also uses eonstreams.

Thank you for your help and suggestions,
Uncle Doug


I solved my problem but what I did does not make sense!!

Windows Media Player9 Options - Network - Proxy settings
were originally set to use browser HTTP connection.

I changed the connection to Auto Detect, then I had no
problems connecting to WSMONLINE opening and closing the
browser several times.
I then tried to connect to KTRS and received the
original error. Unable to connect to server Error C00D1198
and when I tried to reconnect to WSMONLIN I found the
original problem the player appeared but no buffering.

I next changed the proxy setting to use NO proxy, I
didn't think it work but it didn't

Next I went back to the original proxy setting use
browser connection.

Now both stations play (so far) opening and closing the
browser several times.

Unique was an excellent lead to this problem because
the fix does not make sense!

But it WORKS!!
Uncle Doug

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