unique identifiers for e-mails or tasks in Outlook



Is there any easy way to view an identifier field in Outlook, either in tasks
or e-mails?

We want to log workflow received on a given day and unique identifiers would
be useful.

Brian Tillman

DU said:
Is there any easy way to view an identifier field in Outlook, either
in tasks or e-mails?

We want to log workflow received on a given day and unique
identifiers would be useful.

Wouldn't categories supply that type of function?


We get hundreds of e-mail a day and would like to be able to identify each
one with a separate number or reference of some sort.

Brian Tillman

DU said:
We get hundreds of e-mail a day and would like to be able to identify
each one with a separate number or reference of some sort.

Sounds like you better investigate writing our own code, then.

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