Union to Display all but no results

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andrea
  • Start date Start date


I have taken the posted advice and created a union query
to use as a control source for my combo box. All is
displayed in the list but it produces no results any
How exactly are you using it? It's not enough to simply add the word All to
a combo box if, say, you're trying to use it as a parameter for a query.
I created a union query this is the statement:

SELECT CircKey, Category FROM tbl_HDCircKey UNION Select
Null as AllChoice, "All" as Bogus FROM tbl_HDCircKey;

I attached that query to a combo box that shows a list of
categories, but when I select All I get no results.
So what's the SQL of your query look like?

Assuming your combobox is bound to the first column, and it's a numeric
field, it should be something like WHERE MyField = Forms!MyForm!MyComboBox
OR Forms!MyForm!MyComboBox IS NULL

(replace MyField, MyForm and MyComboBox with the correct names...)
From your previous thread, can to post the code of the CommandButton you
click to view the results.