I have two cosstab query and i want to combine them together as well as merge
them with the same pubname. The structure of these two tables are same. Bothe
column contains: Pubname, Item1, Item2, Item3 and a total. I tried to do a
union on these two tables but it did not merge the same pubname with the
different item total or same item total. Also, how can put a row at the
bottom to sum all the item?
crosstab Query1
pubname item1 item2 Item3 Total
aaa 2 1 1 4
bbb 1 1
ddd 1 1
eee 1 1
crosstab query2
pubname item1 item2 Item3 Total
iii 3 10 13
ooo 1 1
aaa 1 1
ddd 1 1 2
Output should look like:
pubname item1 item2 Item3 Total
aaa 3 1 1 5
bbb 1 1
ddd 1 2 3
eee 1 1
iii 3 10 13
ooo 1 1
Total 8 4 12 24
them with the same pubname. The structure of these two tables are same. Bothe
column contains: Pubname, Item1, Item2, Item3 and a total. I tried to do a
union on these two tables but it did not merge the same pubname with the
different item total or same item total. Also, how can put a row at the
bottom to sum all the item?
crosstab Query1
pubname item1 item2 Item3 Total
aaa 2 1 1 4
bbb 1 1
ddd 1 1
eee 1 1
crosstab query2
pubname item1 item2 Item3 Total
iii 3 10 13
ooo 1 1
aaa 1 1
ddd 1 1 2
Output should look like:
pubname item1 item2 Item3 Total
aaa 3 1 1 5
bbb 1 1
ddd 1 2 3
eee 1 1
iii 3 10 13
ooo 1 1
Total 8 4 12 24