How can I union a table (100 fields) with a query (4
fields, all 4 matching the table's fields) such that the
resulting union has nulls is the remaining 96 fields for
the records contributed to the union by the query.
I tried creating placeholders for the remaining 96 fields
in the query ([FieldName]: Null) but when I try unioning
the 100-field table to the 100-field query, it tells me
that there are too many fields defined.
This dataset is completely de-normalized. It is the
result of a feed and I do not want to solve this proble
through normalization.
How can I union a table (100 fields) with a query (4
fields, all 4 matching the table's fields) such that the
resulting union has nulls is the remaining 96 fields for
the records contributed to the union by the query.
I tried creating placeholders for the remaining 96 fields
in the query ([FieldName]: Null) but when I try unioning
the 100-field table to the 100-field query, it tells me
that there are too many fields defined.
This dataset is completely de-normalized. It is the
result of a feed and I do not want to solve this proble
through normalization.