Uninstalling XP Pro Upgrade



I hope I am not repeating something here, but I have a notebook that I
used in my business that I upgraded from XP Home to XP Pro. I now
wish to give this computer to my son (who has no use for XP Pro). Is
it possible to uninstall the upgrade such that I could re-use the
upgrade license on another computer. I don't want there to be
problems down the line if Microsoft 'determines' that the upgrade is
being illegally installed on multiple computers.



I hope I am not repeating something here, but I have a notebook that I
used in my business that I upgraded from XP Home to XP Pro. I now
wish to give this computer to my son (who has no use for XP Pro). Is
it possible to uninstall the upgrade such that I could re-use the
upgrade license on another computer. I don't want there to be
problems down the line if Microsoft 'determines' that the upgrade is
being illegally installed on multiple computers.

You need to format the drive to uninstall the OS; there is no way to just
remove the XP Pro upgrade aspect which is what I think you are asking.
After that XP Home can be reinstalled on the notebook.

Yes the upgrade license can be reused on another system that has a
qualifying OS if first removed from the computer on which it's currently
installed.. Upgrade licenses are retail and transferable.


Reinstall the original XP Home onto the notebook (you will have to reformat
the hard drive to do so) and use the Pro (retail upgrade package) on any
other system that already has a licensed copy of any qualifying operating
system either installed or if you have the install CD for the next system
you want to upgrade. You may have to use telephone activation if it was
recently installed as the upgrade install on the notebook (180 days IIRC.)

Detlev Dreyer

I hope I am not repeating something here, but I have a notebook that I
used in my business that I upgraded from XP Home to XP Pro. I now
wish to give this computer to my son (who has no use for XP Pro). Is
it possible to uninstall the upgrade such that I could re-use the
upgrade license on another computer.

No, that's not possible. Format that drive and re-install the Home
Edition from scratch.


You need to format the drive to uninstall the OS; there is no way to just
remove the XP Pro upgrade aspect which is what I think you are asking.
After that XP Home can be reinstalled on the notebook.

Yes the upgrade license can be reused on another system that has a
qualifying OS if first removed from the computer on which it's currently
installed.. Upgrade licenses are retail and transferable.

I have no problem doing a "system restore" on the computer to get XP
Home back on it. I was just worried that, since I registered/
activated that MS would not allow me to install the upgrade on another
computer. I have seen that with MS-Office products. I will likely
sell the upgrade license to a client or on eBay and didn't want them
to get an unpleasant surprise.


I have no problem doing a "system restore" on the computer to get XP
Home back on it. I was just worried that, since I registered/
activated that MS would not allow me to install the upgrade on another
computer. I have seen that with MS-Office products. I will likely
sell the upgrade license to a client or on eBay and didn't want them
to get an unpleasant surprise.

Upgrade licenses are transferable. Depending on when it was last activated
the new user may very run into it not activating via the internet and have
to phone in for activation.

Bruce Chambers

I hope I am not repeating something here, but I have a notebook that I
used in my business that I upgraded from XP Home to XP Pro. I now
wish to give this computer to my son (who has no use for XP Pro). Is
it possible to uninstall the upgrade such that I could re-use the
upgrade license on another computer. I don't want there to be
problems down the line if Microsoft 'determines' that the upgrade is
being illegally installed on multiple computers.


I'm afraid that the only way to change from WinXP Pro to WinXP Home
is to format the drive and start over. There is no supported downgrade
path or technique.

After backing up any data you wish to transfer to the new OS
installation,, simply boot from the WinXP Home installation CD. You'll
be offered the opportunity to delete, create, and format partitions as
part of the installation process. (You may need to re-arrange the order
of boot devices in the PC's BIOS to boot from the CD.)

HOW TO Install Windows XP



Then the backed up data can be restored and applications re-installed.


Bruce Chambers

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