I am encountering a problem with uninstalling QuickTime from my computer.
The program appears in my uninstall programs window but does not uninstall
when I select it. It will not uninstall from the QuickTime installer or
uninstaller. I have been unable to find a way to uninstall it using Apple's
support pages or Apple's technical support. They referred me to Microsoft.
There is a discussion about this problem on the Apple support site but it
involves running the QuickTime installer from a DOS prompt, creating an error
log, etc. which is too technical for me to carry out.
Has anyone else run into this problem when trying to install the newest
version of I-Tunes and can you help me?
The program appears in my uninstall programs window but does not uninstall
when I select it. It will not uninstall from the QuickTime installer or
uninstaller. I have been unable to find a way to uninstall it using Apple's
support pages or Apple's technical support. They referred me to Microsoft.
There is a discussion about this problem on the Apple support site but it
involves running the QuickTime installer from a DOS prompt, creating an error
log, etc. which is too technical for me to carry out.
Has anyone else run into this problem when trying to install the newest
version of I-Tunes and can you help me?