Uninstalling Linux and run windows XP.



Hi, I have 2 os on my computer, Linux and Windows. Every
time I boot up my PC and have the choice of useing either
or. I would like to uninstall Linux. How do I proceed so
that only Windows XP boots up. Thanks

Rob Schneider

The simplest/quickest approach is to simply make the Windows XP the
default start-up OS. To do this, in My Computer, pick Properties, Tab:
Advanced, Section: Startup and Recovery, Button: Settings. System
startup section at top of dialog box.

To remove Linux, check with the setup documentation that comes with the
Linux Distribution. Most of the distributions explain the process.

I use the 3rd party product Partition Manager to remove OS's and
repartition disks to reclaim the space. The process to do so is fully
described in documentation for that Partition Manager.

Whatever you do when removing the Linux partitions., ensure you are
familiar with what you are doing so that yo don't inadvertently delete
the XP OS.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


Rob Schneider

I have no recent experience with this tool. Never could understand how
to make it work on a working machine without fear and trepidation. Have
only used (years ago) when starting from sratch on hard disks.

Maybe it works. Don't know. Read the instructions fully before proceeding.

Probably a way to remove the Linux partition, but not a way to resize
the XP partition after doing that removal.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.



Marco said:
Hi, I have 2 os on my computer, Linux and Windows. Every
time I boot up my PC and have the choice of useing either
or. I would like to uninstall Linux. How do I proceed so
that only Windows XP boots up. Thanks

If you don't want to lose all the XP data, get third-party partition
software like Partition Magic or BootItNG. I believe you could download
a trial version of either if you think you're only going to want to use
partitioning software once. Then delete the Linux partition and merge
it with the XP partition (if that's what you want). Afterwards, repair
XP's boot.ini to just show the one os.


Steve Nielsen

DOS FDISK should be able to remove any partition but be aware that the
Linux partitions and the XP partition if it is NTFS will all show as
Non-DOS partitions, so you'd better very very careful you don't delete
the wrong partition.


Alex Nichol

Marco said:
Hi, I have 2 os on my computer, Linux and Windows. Every
time I boot up my PC and have the choice of useing either
or. I would like to uninstall Linux. How do I proceed so
that only Windows XP boots up.

I presume you have installed lilo or greb in the master sector of the
disk drive. Set the BIOS to boot CD before Hard Disk. Boot the XP CD
and, instead of Setup, take the immediate R for Repair. Assume any
password requested is blank, and TAB over. Select the XP partition to
repair (probably the only one offered)


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