Richard Steinfeld
I need a good install/uninstall program and a good location to
download it from.
I know this has been discussed here before, but I've not been
able to locate the prior posts. Please accept my apologies for
bringing this up again; perhaps someone else will find it useful.
What's good?
I'm slowly abandoning my use of System Suite, so a good
uninstaller to take the place of the SS uninstaller is first
priority for me.
Let me just add that the good uninstaller in the old edition of
System Suite (the current product is different, and from a
different company) worked wonders in crowbaring the Real Player
mega-octapus off of my computer successfully.
Information for people new to such things: I've found a good
uninstall program to be a lifesaver, especially when trying out
unknown software and programs that are potentially dangerous to
one's system.
** You do not install nastyware and then go get yourself the
uninstall program. It's too late for that. The way that this
works is that you obtain the uninstall program first; you use the
uninstaller to track the installation of the appliation you want
to use. The uninstaller records all the changes that the new
program made to your computer. When you decide that the subject
application is junk, you run the uninstaller again and it
reverses all the changes that were made when you installed the
download it from.
I know this has been discussed here before, but I've not been
able to locate the prior posts. Please accept my apologies for
bringing this up again; perhaps someone else will find it useful.
What's good?
I'm slowly abandoning my use of System Suite, so a good
uninstaller to take the place of the SS uninstaller is first
priority for me.
Let me just add that the good uninstaller in the old edition of
System Suite (the current product is different, and from a
different company) worked wonders in crowbaring the Real Player
mega-octapus off of my computer successfully.
Information for people new to such things: I've found a good
uninstall program to be a lifesaver, especially when trying out
unknown software and programs that are potentially dangerous to
one's system.
** You do not install nastyware and then go get yourself the
uninstall program. It's too late for that. The way that this
works is that you obtain the uninstall program first; you use the
uninstaller to track the installation of the appliation you want
to use. The uninstaller records all the changes that the new
program made to your computer. When you decide that the subject
application is junk, you run the uninstaller again and it
reverses all the changes that were made when you installed the