Uninstaller trouble Norton antivirus



Hi, i have updated to N.A.V2005 and need to uninstall the 2002 version
but when i go to the add/remove progams is gives me an error "The
windows Installer service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are
running windows in safe mode or, the windows Installer is not correctly
installed. Contact your support personel for assistance." I am not in
safe mode but do thind i have a virus, hence the need to update to NAV
2005. any help would be great . NC75


NC75 said:
Hi, i have updated to N.A.V2005 and need to uninstall the 2002
but when i go to the add/remove progams is gives me an error "The
windows Installer service could not be accessed. This can occur if you
running windows in safe mode or, the windows Installer is not
installed. Contact your support personel for assistance." I am not
safe mode but do thind i have a virus, hence the need to update to
2005. any help would be great . NC75

As I told you in your earlier posts in the different thread, you do
*not* want to try and install NAV on an infected machine. Do the
Sysclean or Multi-AV scanning *first*. Then uninstall/reinstall NAV. To
completely uninstall NAV, see:

http://www.symantec.com/techsupp/index.html - Symantec tech support

If the necessary steps seem too difficult - and there is no shame in
admitting this - take the machine to a professional computer repair
shop (not your local version of BigStoreUSA) for cleanup and
installation of your new NAV.


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