On Sat, 3 Jul 2004 21:44:43 -0600, *ProteanThread* wrote:
[Total Uninstall 2.34]
But can it be used after the fact ? (i.e. to un-install a prgm that was not
monitored) ?
I don't know any program which truly uninstalls if installation hasn't
been monitored. You can just delete the folder(s) of the program and
try to kill all registry entries by running a registry cleaner after
that. But that may leave lots of orphans behind...
There's a way to achieve (mostly) good results by hand, though.
1) Run your program with a registry monitor and a file access monitor
in background. (Refer to
www.sysinternals.com!) Filter for your
program to get all accessed files and registry entries.
2) Look into the installation folder for an installation protocol.
View it with an appropriate viewer. (In most cases you'll want to
hide special chars.) Print it.
3) Uninstall the program with its own uninstaller if available. If
you are suspicious you can do so while running an installation
monitor like Total Uninstall in background.
4) Restart your computer to be sure all uninstallation steps have been
executed properly.
5) Compare the protocol of the installation monitor with your lists
created in steps 1) and 2).
6) Remove all extant files, folders, and registry entries. But
*be sure* to *not remove* files or registry entries belonging to
the system or are used by other programs, too!! (If in doubt -
don't touch them!)