Uninstalled programs left in Security Centre



I recently purchased a new computer with trial version of Norton Internet
Security 2007 program. I uninstalled it successfully but in Security
Norton Internet Security still appears in Windows Firewall and Internet
Options. Can someone advise how to remove those uninstalled items from the
Windows Firewall and Internet Options.




Norton... ugh. ha
There's a page on the Symantec website here:


I, personally, have never used it, so I can't vouch for it. But I've
informed a friend about it and she said it worked perfectly. However, she
was using 2006 (rather than 2007). The title of the page says 2003, but the
description (under ¡§Uninstall Norton AntiVirus using the SymNRT removal
utility¡¨) says: ¡§The Norton Removal Tool uninstalls all Norton
2006/2005/2004/2003 products from your computer.¡¨. Obviously, they have a
problem keeping the version numbers updated on their website, so perhaps it
would also work with 2007.

If you're not comfortable with that because of the version number, maybe
there's something else that says it's specifically for 2007 on their

Anyway, at the very least hopefully this will point you in the right
Hope it helps,


Richard Urban

Norton sometimes has be uninstalled from 2-3 locations from the program
uninstall window. Find every single instance of Norton/Symantec and
uninstall "everything"

Then when you still have problems you will see why those who repair
computers for a lively hood will never allow it on any computer they



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!



Thanks for your reply. I tried it already before I posted my issue here and
also tried manually uninstallation - all statements in registry have been
removed. Vista is still reporting the programs to be turned on. Thus, I
need to know how Vista to capture such data and remove it.




Norton/Symantec is bundled with HP and other big name computers. Are they
really make a serious mistake in their decision as there are a lot of
choices on the market?


Richard Urban

It seems that the major manufacturers would rather take the few bucks that
Symantec/McAfee gives them for every computer they sell with their program
on it, and piss off and alienate their customer base.

I wouldn't allow either on any computer I maintain.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Scott said:

Thanks for your reply. I tried it already before I posted my issue here
and also tried manually uninstallation - all statements in registry have
been removed. Vista is still reporting the programs to be turned on.
Thus, I need to know how Vista to capture such data and remove it.

Go to msconfig and see if they are listed as startup's.

Charles W Davis

I was successful is uninstalling Norton on my new HP with Windows Vista
HP, Gateway and Dell all crap up their computers with these intrusive
programs in the guise of providing "value." When asked, the Gateway Sales
rep responded: "No. You cannot buy a Gateway computer without the 90 day


I built a new system for my big Vista upgrade. In the name of convenience
and the warranty, I almost bought a Dell or HP but decided that precisely
this sort of headache wasn't worth it. Granted, building one's own machine
comes with it's own set of potential headaches and you have to be willing to
deal with whatever crops up all by your lonesome. But, in principal, I hate
that unwanted software is forced down my throat with pre-made systems. Why
can't any of the computer manufacturers understand this?

Sorry, this looked like a good place for me to toss in a rant. ;-)



Scott said:
I recently purchased a new computer with trial version of Norton Internet
Security 2007 program. I uninstalled it successfully but in Security
Norton Internet Security still appears in Windows Firewall and Internet
Options. Can someone advise how to remove those uninstalled items from the
Windows Firewall and Internet Options.


I have the same problem with Vista 64 and both Norton 2007 and now 360. Both
crash Vista 64. Microsoft helped me get the 2007 out of the security center
but I don't remember just what I did . I need to do it again for 360.

As I recall, I had to go into Windows/System32/ and some directory then
delet a file. I don't remember the directory or file. The installer leaves
the file in there.


Scott said:
I recently purchased a new computer with trial version of Norton Internet
Security 2007 program. I uninstalled it successfully but in Security
Norton Internet Security still appears in Windows Firewall and Internet
Options. Can someone advise how to remove those uninstalled items from the
Windows Firewall and Internet Options.



I got this from MS Support and it works:

1. Run remove from from the "Programs and Features" in the Control Panel.

2. Download from Symantec and run "Norton_Removal_Tool.exe," being sure to

get the one for your OS, Vista 64 in this case.

3. Reboot and remove the Symantec directories from the "Users" and "Program

Files" folders under C:\ Search for them.

4. This is the part that gets Norton out of "Security Services."
a. Start "Services".
b. Locate "Windows Management Instrumentation"
c. Right click and "Pause" that service.
d. Go to C:\Windows\System32\wbem\
e. In that folder, find a folder called "Repository".
f. Delete the entire folder "Repository".
g. Go back to "Services," (steps a. and b. above)
h. Right click on it and choose "Resume."
i. Close everthing and Reboot.

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