Uninstalled 835732 now no Ctrl/Alt/Del screen

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paula
  • Start date Start date


Wow what a nightmare. I have uninstalled the update from
hell (835732) but now when the laptop boots I don't get
my secure Ctrl/Alt/Delete screen. How do I bring back
that screen? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It's hard to say where this is happening, however installing (or
reinstalling) Windows 2000 SP 4 will give your system a good baseline to
go from.

Best of luck

Check here

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Good luck

----- Paula wrote: ----

Wow what a nightmare. I have uninstalled the update from
hell (835732) but now when the laptop boots I don't get
my secure Ctrl/Alt/Delete screen. How do I bring back
that screen? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks everybody for trying to help me out. It ended up
that the setting for the Welcome screen was disabled. I
was able to fix it by going to Users and Passwords in the
Control Panel and then clicking on Advanced. There is a
checkbox there that requires users to press Ctrl Alt Del
before logging on. That box had become unchecked.
Thanks for your help and good luck to everyone else
dealing with Microsoft's untested "critical" update.