uninstall windows defender

  • Thread starter Thread starter Martine aka lady in distress
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Martine aka lady in distress

Hi all,

I am having huge problems trying to uninstall windows defender on my other
laptop so that I can use norton 360 on it. Laptop is XP Home edition with
SP3. Each time I uninstall it norton claims it is still there... but darned
if I can find it.

I have tried the following:
1) uninstall using windows uninstaller started automatically with norton...
still norton finds itinstalled!
2) reinstalled defender... removed using add/remove progs followed by the
windows installer clean up utility.... norton still finds it!
3) reinstalled did above again and then did manual search through hard
drive, through registry... couldnt find anything... but norton said it did.
4) tried typing msiexec /uninstall windowsdefender.msi /quiet /log
uninstall.log - even tried the 64bit version... norton still claims
defender is installed.
5) reinstalled defender... disabled it... then removed it as above... norton
still claims it is there.

I've done all these things several times... and haven't got a clue what to
try next... can anyone out there help?

Many thanks to all....
Martine said:
Hi all,

I am having huge problems trying to uninstall windows defender on my other
laptop so that I can use norton 360 on it. Laptop is XP Home edition with
SP3. Each time I uninstall it norton claims it is still there... but darned
if I can find it.

I have tried the following:
1) uninstall using windows uninstaller started automatically with Norton...
still Norton finds it installed!
2) reinstalled defender... removed using add/remove progs followed by the
windows installer clean up utility.... norton still finds it!
3) reinstalled did above again and then did manual search through hard
drive, through registry... couldn't find anything... but Norton said it did.
4) tried typing msiexec /uninstall windowsdefender.msi /quiet /log
uninstall.log - even tried the 64bit version... Norton still claims
defender is installed.
5) reinstalled defender... disabled it... then removed it as above... norton
still claims it is there.

I've done all these things several times... and haven't got a clue what to
try next... can anyone out there help?

Many thanks to all...

Hello Martine:

Some of this may seem like sour grapes but you would do well to read
passed that.

I am not the greatest Microsoft fan around but if Norton 360 (I wish
we knew the version and if it's the Premier level) needs to remove
Windows Defender, something just isn't right!

Most folks who spend lots of time in the antimalware newsgroups, spend
a great deal of effort in talking folks out of Norton security
products because of their performance or under performance problems.

Software suites still under perform when compared to individual
antimalware applications, although it may initially take a bit more
effort to get individual applications going. However, most of the
very best antimalware applications are /free/ if that's an enticement
that interests you.

If you can not be deterred from your Norton 360 choice, what help has
their tech support offered you so far? After Norton 360 is installed,
will you be able to reinstall Windows Defender? Will you really enjoy
the security protection other free applications would have afforded you?


you shouldn't hav to uninstall Windows Defender to install or use Norton 360
I used them together for a while myself without any trouble while your
installing Norton 360 Windows Defender may flag the changes its making and
ask you what you want to do read every advisery carefully if you are sure it
is part of the Norton installation than allow it I DO NOT ADVISE UNINSTALLING
BY MICROSOFT !! if you need a new copy it is avallable in the download center
on Microsfts website as far as antivirus software it is a matter of user
preferance Norton is really good but it doesn't always play nice with other
software installed on the machine sometimes you can tweak the settings to
make it work often by using a trusted list or setting exclusion rules I would
bug there tech support until you have this issue resolved