I came back up to the top after I realized how much stuff I had done to let
you know, if you find this over whelming or need to ask any questions, feel
free. You also can by another 20gig 5,400rpm for less than fifty on teh
inter net at , so good luck. Also kids at the ISP's might
do it for you; I paid one 50 bucks to one for an older lady at the church.
Last thing before I post this is there is some repetition, because I haven't
had time to really organize adn collate all of it. good luck.
I have have one instance just like yours except it had a MoBo that had
onboard sound from a company that went bust. So I can empathis with you.
Bottom line is you're gonna need to do a fresh install. It's not that bad.
Let's see if we can tell you to get through with the least pain.
First it is real important for you to get all data and several other things
off your HDD (hard drive). Depending on what you have on, you will need to
transfer it to another place for storage. That can be floppies(takes a lot),
CD's (probably most common), or send them in email to another person with
ability to hold on to them. Other important information is, Address book
(easy to export to floppy), Favorites(also easy to export to floppy), extra
fonts you have gathered(floppies), media(sounds you may have gathered)(CD or
floppie), application prefences(you'll need to find the names of the files
and take those off), any other programs like Instant Messenger, ICQ, etc
have information that you can get off, and last but not least, get a list of
your MoBo make and model, adn go to the web and find out if there are any
upgraded flash memory or upgrade in the BIOS for it, and get a list of the
hardware on your box, go to the web and get the lates drivers for each one
on a flop unless they are large and then I would put them on CD if possible
or you you can save the site and get them after you've installed the ME OS.
Don't know if I've left anything out. You may think of something else. Oh
yes, if you need to write all about your internet connection down or wait
and call you ISP to have them walk you through the connection information.
If you have one partition and that is what you are going to keep, you won't
need to FDISK you HDD. Depending on the size of your HDD, you may want to
consider separating you HDD with another partition. If you do, the size
recommended for me is on my little instructions for doing a Clean or Fresh
Install. You can take a look and decide. the extra partiion is to separate
your OS and applications from all data. That way you can format either
without bothering ther other. The order that you will need to do this in is
FDISK(if you want extra partition), FORMAT(erase the HDD), install Windows
ME, update all your drivers for hardware and MoBo, Windows Update from M$
for ME, install all applications. Then you can put data and favorites and
address book(s) and fonts and sounds, import your favorites and address
books. You'll need to set your desktop again how you like. I also would
highly recommend you go to to pick up an AVP(antivirus
program) like AVG by (they have a free one), a fire wall
like Zone Alarm (they have a free one), Ad-Aware to remove dataminers(they
shovel SPAM to you according to where you use your browser), and SpyBot
S&D(for all malware that installed on your computer without you knowing).
Don't let what I am telling your disswade you from tackleing this if you
haven't formatted a HDD. Next the little instruction routine.
-RULE -If it ain't broke, don't fixit.
-RULE -Spiral pad, good notes, date, set time to work.
-RULE -No interruptions.
-RULE -Suspend all rules for spouse.

) (a good mood)
-Gather all of your software, including the "key" numbers
-Get current drivers for all Hardware (incl. Bios for MoBo)
-Get all tools (include flashlight, magnifying glass,compressed air,
soft eraser, etc.)
From Experience the Hard Way. (Not learning enough from others wisdom, and
not being fully prepared before starting)
*REMOVE - ALL data,Favorites,Bookmarks,Address book,mIRC ini
*Always make sure you are static equal. (wear protection[static strap],
or touch PSupply case with power OFF, but plugged in)(before working in the
NOTE: You don't need a course in completing a fresh install, but to keep
your frustration level down, it's worth lining your ducks up in a row before
To help, you might just want to start by doing the following:
-Print Instructions, and follow them. (Or use Murphy's Law)
-Print or Write out Hardware list. (MoBo, CPU, RAM, HDD, Floppy,
CD-ROM, Video, Audio, Modem, LAN, etc.)
-Allow 30 minutes quiet time after each time you work to recover.
-New HDD - YES
-Basic Partition - YES
-OS Upgrade - Usually
-regular FORMAT: NOT necessary
-Required HDD Space -(5gig W2KSP4+IE6+OE6)(2gig NTSP6)(500meg
ME,98se,98fe)(300meg 95b,95,3.11)
FDISK Tips: Option 4 looks at present partitions, press Esc.; Option 3
"only" to delete partitions.
Delete order - NON-DOS,Logical,Extended, and finally Primary; use Exc. to
Option 1 - Create Basic partition for OS and data on one drive.
Option 1 - Create ONE Primary partition for two or more
partitions.(multiple Primaries needed only to add Linux, etc.)
How to FDISK:
-Boot system with 98se Bootdisk (
-At A:\ prompt type FDISK, enter.
-Choose "Y" for "large disk" for 95b,98se,ME,NT4,W2K,XP (enables FAT32)
-Use "Basic" for a single partition (Primary Active partition)
-Set Primary active to "adequate size" (Logical, and extended can be
-Press "Esc."
-Power down with switch.
{Note: You run FDISK, just to look, like first time, "without changes", with
no adverse effect; use Esc. to exit}
(There four choices in FDISK; you can take a look at them w/o fear of
screwing up. Just don't delete anything)
-ERASES EVERYTHING- (within DOD standards)
*You probably don't need to FDISK, unless the current HDD has "multiple"
*If it does, Boot from 98se bootdisk, type FDISK, press ENTER, use Basic
partition (one partition only for everything).
*Shutdown the power.
To erase the HDD, you Format the HDD.
**Format Section**
Format the Hard Disk:
*You can use your hard disk only after FORMAT. -->(New HDD or after FDISK)
Format as follows:
1. Boot computer into WS-DOS using your Boot Disk. (
2. At the "A" prompt (A:\) type the following:
format c: /u /c /s (assume "c:\" <drive letter>)
Command Legend:
/u= Unconditional Format - ignores deleted cluster fragments
/c= Re-tests currently marked bad clusters for recovery
/s= Transfers necessary system files so disk can boot
3. Type "Y" for yes, press Enter to proceed with format.
4. Once format is complete, type a volume label if you want one and press
How to Install 98se
How to Install Win-ME
How to install W2K,24331,3346825,00.html
If you have any problems;EN-US;277552
Fresh Install W2K
**Note: For a Fresh install of W2K w/SP4, IE6 w/OE6, and a sane amount of
programs on one partition, allow "4-5 gig" min. for your OS
partition, unless you intend to make it a "basic" partition.
To remove/change partitioning use a Win98 boot disk in Command
type "FDISK" ...and remove all partitions
Shutdown Power(turn computer OFF)
Fresh install w/o changing or after setting the partitions:
Boot with Win2000 or XP Boot disks into Command Prompt:
"type" format c: /u /c /s -->follow prompts
Command Legend:
/u= Unconditional Format - ignores deleted cluster fragments
/c= Re-tests currently marked bad clusters for recovery
/s= Transfers necessary system files so disk can boot
Restart with Win2000/XP startup disks and it will walk you through the
Incomplete as it's going to be.
Under this is another little outline to help with installation.
You might want to read through it.
From Experience the Hard Way. (Not learning enough from others wisdom, and
not being fully prepared before starting)
*REMOVE - ALL data,Favorites,Bookmarks,Address book,mIRC ini
files,images,ToDoLists, Music,DVD's,fonts,Media,etc.
*Always make sure you are static equal. ( wear protection[static strap], or
touch PSupply case with power OFF, but plugged in)(for working in the box)
NOTE: You don't need a course in completing a fresh install, but to keep
your frustration level down, it's worth lining your ducks up in a row before
To help, you might just want to start by doing the following:
Print Instructions, and follow them. (Or use Murphy's Law)
Print or Write out Hardware list. (MoBo, CPU, RAM, HDD, Floppy, CD-ROM,
Video, Audio, Modem, LAN, etc.)
Allow 30 minutes quiet time after each time you work to recover.

) ( a good mood)
Gather all of your software, including the "key" numbers
Get current drivers for all Hardware (incl. Bios for MoBo)
Get all tools (include flashlight, magnifying glass,compressed air, soft
eraser, etc.)
RULE - If it ain't broke, don't fixit.
RULE - Spiral pad, good notes, date, set time to work.
RULE - No interruptions.
RULE - Suspend all rules for spouse.
Basic Partition - YES
OS Upgrade - Usually
regular FORMAT: NOT necessary
Required Space - ( 4 gig W2KSP4+IE6/OE6)( 2 gig NTSP6)( 500 meg
ME,98se,98fe)( 300 meg 95b,95,3.11)
FDISK: (Can be run, without "changes", with no adverse effect; use Esc. to
Boot system with 98se Bootdisk (
At A:\ prompt type FDISK, enter.
Choose "Y" for "large disk" for 95b,98se,ME,NT4,W2K,XP ( enables FAT32)
Use "Basic" for a single partition (Primary Active partition)
Set Primary active to "adequate size" (Logical, and extended can be resized)
Press "Esc."
Power down with switch.
FDISK Tips: Option 4 looks at present partitions, press Esc.; Option 3
"only" to delete partitions.
Delete order - NON-DOS,Logical,Extended, and finally Primary; use Exc. to
Option 1 - Create Basic partition for OS and data on one drive.
Option 1 - Create ONE Primary partition for two or more partitions.(
multiple Primaries needed only to add Linux, etc.)
1. Boot computer into WS-DOS using your Boot Disk. (
2. At the "A" prompt (A:\) type the following:
existing HDD--> format c: /u/c/s (assume c:\ drive letter)
new HDD--> format c: /s (adequate)
Command Legend:
/u= Unconditional Format - ignores deleted cluster fragments
/c= Re-tests currently marked bad clusters for recovery
/s= Transfers necessary system files so disk can boot
3. Type "Y" for yes, press Enter to proceed with format.
4. Once format is complete, type a volume label and press ENTER.
5. Follow the prompts to Install your OS.
6. Install all drivers. (Bios, Video, Audio, HDD, CD-ROM, Modem, LAN, etc.)
7. Get on Internet, go to M$ Updates to get the proper SP ( Do not install
any patch believing you'll have "the best")
8. If you are an I.E. user to Windows Updates and run the install from the
internet, if you have Broad Band, download it, if you use a modem.
Note: Reason - Your connection might get dropped before completing, and even
though it should resume, I have heard of problems.
9. At this point all should be doing well. Boot, and run a Standard Scandisk
( 95,98,ME), and Defrag ( 95,98,ME,NT,W2K,XP).
10. Get Ghost or Disk Image and do an Image at this point. You also could
have done that before the SP's and IE install, but this is my preference.
11. Install all of your other programs one at a time, and give yourself a
few running days to make sure none of it complains.
12. Get yourself a good AV (make sure it setup and runnign correctly) and
Firewall ( Zone Alarm - free version)(Pro version gives some C++ programs
13. Get yourself a file(s) washer (like Windows Washer) and SPAM guard like
(Mail Washer) and learn practice Safe Internet and Email responsibilities.
Power to those who give back...
Good Computing,
( first draft completed 1/11/03 )(Rev. 1/13/03)(Rev. 1/30/03b)
How is Windows 2000 uninstalled. My friend just installed
Win 2000 upgrading from WinME and wishes to unstall. The
network card does not wish to install under Win 2000 so
she wants to go back.
How is Win 2000 uninstalled?