Uninstall/reinstall Windows 2000



I have this computer that has Windows 2000 installed on it, and I cannot get
the o/s to load. I have used the emergency disks, and have followed the
instructions to get the o/s to come up, but it will only go through the
instructions so far, and then quit.

I was thinking about uninstalling and then reinstalling the O/S, but not
sure if I should do a clean format of the harddrive, or just reinstall the

Help in what would be the best action to take would be helpful. thank you.

Britt Dickson

If you can't get the OS to come up, how are you going to uninstall it?

If you're going to remove it, you could just delete \windows or \winnt,
whichever you have, but re-formatting isn't a bad idea, as you'll know
that you're starting as cleanly as posibble.

Britt Dickson

| I have this computer that has Windows 2000 installed on it, and I cannot get
| the o/s to load. I have used the emergency disks, and have followed the
| instructions to get the o/s to come up, but it will only go through the
| instructions so far, and then quit.
| I was thinking about uninstalling and then reinstalling the O/S, but not
| sure if I should do a clean format of the harddrive, or just reinstall the
| o/s.
| Help in what would be the best action to take would be helpful. thank you.
| --
| mollybigd

Andrew Morton

What would be the best solution of getting my system up so I can
reformat the hard drive. I made emergency boot disks which I will
use to try and get the systemy up and running. Also someone added a
password to my BIOS settings and I cannot get into the settings.

That's rather careless, letting someone set passwords on /your/
would I go about this password problem? Any good password utilities
software out there that I can use to unlock this BIOS password
setting? Thanks





I didn't know they did it until I started having problems with my O/S, and
then having to reformat and do a reinstall, and not being able to get into
the BIOS to change drives. Go figure.... this was a bad joke, and I don't
know who did it. Thanks for the site.

Britt Dickson

Hi Molly,

Did the BIOS hack page work for you? They had all the methods I know
of, and lots more.

Assuming you did, and you still want to clear the drive, all you need to do
use the Advanced setup option and you can delete any existing partition(s)
and format them as part if the installation.

Hope this helps: Let us know how it goes..



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