Uninstall AOL and Netscape

  • Thread starter Thread starter Russ
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When these programs don't appear in the Add/Remove folder
in the Control Panel, how, or is it possible to remove
them and all of their components?
Greetings --

Sadly, the only practical way I've ever found to _completely_
remove AOL from an operating system is to format the hard drive and
perform a clean installation. I absolutely loathe having to resort to
a hard drive format to fix what _should_ be a relatively minor issue,
but it takes a lot less time than manually removing/replacing all of
the Windows system files that AOL replaces with their own versions and
the hundreds of unnecessary registry entries.

Bruce Chambers
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You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. - RAH
How right you are, Bruce! Over the years, I have learned that early in the
troubleshooting phase it is prudent to ask if AOL is installed on the
computer in question. AOL is, in my opinion, one of the worst pieces of
software ever forced upon the consumer market. I urge anyone and everyone
who will take the time to listen to stay as far away for AOL as is possible.

I too have learned that the best choice, indeed the only choice, is a format
and reinstall of the appropriate OS.

Thanks Bruce. It is sad that you have to go to all of
that trouble when AOL wasn't wanted in the first place.
It appeared after I downloaded Netscape 7.1.
Thanks Rich. I did look in the program files and I can't
find the uninstall. I got another suggestion that the
only way to get rid of AOL and all of its components is
to wipe the drive clean and reinstall the programs I
want. I think that's the way I'm going.
