Uninstall 2nd XP OS on system



After installing a new mobo, I wasn't able to do a repair install of XP (crashed into blue screen). Then installed a second version of Win XP home to the H:\ partition
After moving the my-documents folder and some other files, I would now like to get rid of the corrupted Win XP installation on C.

Is there a way to uninstall the corrupt Win XP?

Is there a way to switch drive designations between C:\ and H:\ so that C once again becomes my boot drive?


The C: partition is the boot partition and the os that is on that can not be removed, if you do then it messes up the booting process. I would suggest that you doa back up of your data and then wipe the hard drive clean and start over. Install the os on the c: partition and make separate partitions for your data and programs. The first os installed is the important one and needs to on the C: partition.


Thanks Bob, disappointing news, considering the amount of work that lies ahead, and in addition to the hours I've already spend after installing the new Motherboard

Hopefully the creators of Windows XP will come out with a program that will facilitate making the needed adjustments one day. How difficult can it be
I say this because doing a quick search I discovered that I'm not alone and that there is a great number of Windows users that have wasted a lot of hours getting their system back to an acceptable level of performance after a simple hardware change.

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