tell me whether vb.6.0 supports unicode. if yes with code
example. what is unicode.
tell me whether vb.6.0 supports unicode. if yes with code
example. what is unicode.
tell me whether vb.6.0 supports unicode. if yes with code
example. what is unicode.
* "prem said:tell me whether vb.6.0 supports unicode. if yes with code
example. what is unicode.
Herfried K. Wagner said:Please turn to one of the microsoft.public.vb.* groups. This is a
VB.NET group, your question is OT here.
* "Armin Zingler said:Please answer the same question only once.
Herfried K. Wagner said:BTW: I don't understand why people post the same question more
than once in the wrong group and ignore replies *grrr*.
I suspect they don't understand how newsgroups work, and are thinking theyBTW: I don't understand why people post the same question more than
once in the wrong group and ignore replies *grrr*.