Dim strTmp as String
strTmp contains not only standart set of characters (ASCII codes from 1-127)
but also some of them from the extended ASCII table (128-255).
I need to output this string to the file - WHERE EVERY CHARACTER REPRESEND
(I do not want to be "loud" but this is very important in my question)
If I do such:
Dim stwFile as StreamWriter
stwFile = File.CreateText("Filename.txt")
At such case opens file for writing UTF-8 encoded text.
then I will get file where everycharacter from lower table represended by 1
bite and from the extended table 2 bites.
If I change settings and will use such:
strFile = New StreamWriter("Filename.txt", False,
This case looks like decide the problem - every character represented by 1
bite but the characters from Extended table - converted to the '?'
Maybe somebody has an idea how I can get 1 bite per character and they will
be shown at the output file the same as I have them in String variable.
P.S. The "problem" characters - characters of the French alphabet.
Dim strTmp as String
strTmp contains not only standart set of characters (ASCII codes from 1-127)
but also some of them from the extended ASCII table (128-255).
I need to output this string to the file - WHERE EVERY CHARACTER REPRESEND
(I do not want to be "loud" but this is very important in my question)
If I do such:
Dim stwFile as StreamWriter
stwFile = File.CreateText("Filename.txt")
At such case opens file for writing UTF-8 encoded text.
then I will get file where everycharacter from lower table represended by 1
bite and from the extended table 2 bites.
If I change settings and will use such:
strFile = New StreamWriter("Filename.txt", False,
This case looks like decide the problem - every character represented by 1
bite but the characters from Extended table - converted to the '?'
Maybe somebody has an idea how I can get 1 bite per character and they will
be shown at the output file the same as I have them in String variable.
P.S. The "problem" characters - characters of the French alphabet.