unhide menu bar in excel - just disappeared

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I have been working in Excel 2003 and the menu bar and the right hand mouse
functions have all disapperaed, I can't find any help to get them back
Hello Sean,

Not sure what "right hand mouse functions" are, but try Tools | Customize |
Toolbars | Worksheet Menu Bar (checked).

There is no menu bar at the top of page. no option to go to file / view /
tools / edit can anyone help. In excel when you right click in cell / row
can't get options cut / paste/ format etc.


Hit ALT + F11 to get to the Visual Basic Editor.

Do you have a menu here?

If so View>Immediate Window.

Copy/paste this in there and hit ENTER.

Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = True


Application.CommandBars("Cell").Enabled = True

ALT + Q to go back to Excel Window.

OK now?

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

That's Great Thanks. My menu bar has all appeared, but the right hand mouse
button functions are still not working. When you highlight a row for example
you can right click and you get options to cut / paste / format ect. this is
something I do a lot to speed up my work, any Ideas


For the row right-click try this line

Application.CommandBars("row").Enabled = True

For columns use "column"


Is there any way of keeping this so it opens correctly every time I open
Excel. All this commands work but when I close Excel down all the changes
revert back to as it was before with out menu bar or right hand mouse options.

When I have got it back and in excel is there any options I need to choose
to make it permanent. I have deinstalled office and reinstalled it today, so
is this a registery setting.

You have an add-in or your Personal.xls opening with some workbook_open or
auto_open code that disables these items.

Hit ALT + F11 to see what workbooks/projects are showing up in the Project

Maybe one in there with some code.

Go to Tools>Add-ins and see what you have checked in there.

You may have to uncheck all the add-ins then start Excel and add them back one
at a time until you find the one that is doing the deed.

Currently, do you see Personal.xls in Window>Unhide?

There are a couple of other options.

Check out your XLSTART folder for files that may be opening hidden.

C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART

In Tools>Options>General do you have a path in "At startup, only all files

If so, delete that path.

After you have a look around post back with the results.

answers to questions below
projects dosn't look anything strange, but not sure exactly what I am
looking for.
No add-ins active
No Personal.xls
No Hidden files
No file in startup
changes revert back to as it was as soon as I close excel

any further options?

Many thanks for all so far


Excel saves most configurations in the *.XLB file when you close it out.

After running the lines I gave you in the Immediate Window to enable those
items, Excel should save that configuration.

With Excel closed............

Do a file search for *.XLB. There may be more than one.

Change name(s) to *.XLBOLD or similar.

Re-open Excel and what do you get?

If your menu and right-clicks are still missing your problem lies with some
workbook opening that disables them.


There was file with this extension, in my in the path you mentioned
yesterday, which I had renamed old yesterday, but it didn't make any
difference. I have done the search you mentioned and found two in an old
backup which I had done, due to some problems I was experincing. I opened one
of these files up using excel and from that point onwards it seems to be

Thank you very much for your help and time to help me overcome this problem,
it is very much appricaitaed. I use excel a lot and in a matter of just a few
days it was driving me mad. Thanks again.

Kind regards



To know which *.xlb file Excel is using, note where each one is and make a few
changes to a Toolbar or Menu, close Excel and see which *.xlb has been

Excel stores the active *.XLB file in various places depending upon which
version of Excel you are using.

Excel 2002 will be named Excel10.xlb and be stored in

C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel folder.

Excel 2003 is Excel11.xlb and stored same place.

Excel 97 is named username8.xlb and is stored in the C:\Windows folder

Now that you have a working copy, I would suggest making a backup frequently
so's you can always grab the backup.

I have a shortcut on my desktop to a *.bat file which backs up several files
to a couple of spots.

I run it once or twice a day when I remember<g>
