
  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike Strieder
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Mike Strieder

i want to catch all execeptions with my own handler, but the problem is,
that the JIT-Debugger always start!
i put also the <system.windows.forms jitDebugging="false" /> in the

thx for help


using System;

namespace SimpleEX
class Class1
static void Main ( )
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException +=
new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler ( SimpleHandler);

String x = null ;
Console.WriteLine ( x.ToString ( ) ) ;

static void SimpleHandler ( Object Sender ,
UnhandledExceptionEventArgs Args )
Exception e = (Exception)Args.ExceptionObject ;
Console.WriteLine ( "Caught : " + e.Message ) ;
Hello Mike,

Try using the Application.ThreadException instead of

If it's a windows service then there's a bunch of code missing from your
sample. I'd guess that even though you think the Main method is getting
called, it really isn't. Windows services use a different mechanism - the
service control manager calls a special entry point. So the code that hooks
the handler is never getting called.
Hi Dave,

the service is working very fine and it also start in Main.
But the Problem is that an unhandelt Execption raise up the JIT-Debugger and
not jump direct to MyHandler.

i have also the problem with an in an Console Application

using System;

namespace SimpleEX
class Class1
static void Main ( )
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException +=
new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler ( MyHandler);

String x = null ;
Console.WriteLine ( x.ToString ( ) ) ; // <---- raise an
exception to the JIT-Debugger not direct to MyHandler

static void MyHandler( Object Sender , UnhandledExceptionEventArgs
Args )
Exception e = (Exception)Args.ExceptionObject ;
Console.WriteLine ( "Caught : " + e.Message ) ;

the goal is not to raise up the JIT-Debugger!!!
Check this setting!