Salvador Ponticelli
In an ASP.NET Application I have an instance of a remoting object. After the
instance was created, I saved it in a Session variable. When I try to use
this instance with the Remoting Service down, it throw an exception wich it
is catched. After this exception is catched, another exception is throwed
outside my try-catch blocks. I can´t catch this new exception. This happen
only in first and second execution after application compile. After second
execution, (no mather how many times I execute the application) only one
exception is throwed.
When remoting object instance isn't in Session variable, only one exception
is throwed in all runs, no mather if it is the firts or the eleventh run.
Can anyone tell me why 2 exception are throwed in the first and second run
after compiling only if the remoting object instance is stored in Session.
Thanks in advantage
Salvador Ponticelli
instance was created, I saved it in a Session variable. When I try to use
this instance with the Remoting Service down, it throw an exception wich it
is catched. After this exception is catched, another exception is throwed
outside my try-catch blocks. I can´t catch this new exception. This happen
only in first and second execution after application compile. After second
execution, (no mather how many times I execute the application) only one
exception is throwed.
When remoting object instance isn't in Session variable, only one exception
is throwed in all runs, no mather if it is the firts or the eleventh run.
Can anyone tell me why 2 exception are throwed in the first and second run
after compiling only if the remoting object instance is stored in Session.
Thanks in advantage
Salvador Ponticelli