I hope someone here can help, I've tried about I know
Two machines, running win98se, using windoz ics to share a dialup (yeah,
it's a pain but there's no other options out here in BFE.)
Host is:
PII 333Mhz /250 Mb Ram
Zone Alarm free version firewall.
(set high security for internet zone, medium for trusted zone.)
Norton 2002 AV
Client is:
PI 233Mhz /64Mb Ram
Sygate Personal firewall
(strict rules allowing known programs and block all else.)
Norton 2002 AV
host or client will without warning experience major slowdown. all
processes slow to barely noticeable crawl. mouse cursor moves freely, but
everything else is all but frozen. does not matter what's running, usually
happens in evenings and weekends. After anywhere from a few seconds to a
few minutes, everything starts running normally again. This behavior
started sometime in the last four months or so. It was very rare at first,
and has been more and more frequent lately.
Attempted fixes:
Full scan with norton av after getting latest defs.
nothing found.
RegCleaner 4.0 build 744 by Jouni Vuorio:
Full scan. revealed mess of invalid registry keys. deleted all.
System mechanic:
scan for and remove all junk files
scan registry, found mess of invalid keys.. removed all.
Ad-Aware Se personal with latest definitions,
full scan, found a mess of tracking cookies and a few registry keys.
removed all cookies except for two that are known login cookies,
removed all reg keys found to be suspect.
Spybot S&D ('final' version with the BHO fix)
latest updates and full scan.
found some more cookies, several more reg keys.
cookies dealt with, reg keys either fixed or removed.
CWShredder (latest version)
Found and removed two CWS variants (same two on both machines)
HijackThis (latest version) doesn't show anything obvious, but I'm certain
I dont' know all the things to look for.
All these efforts, while they yield cleaner systems, have no effect on the
problem of the mysterious slowdowns. it does not appear to matter which
machine is running how many processes or what is accessing internet.
If somebody has a clue we'd be gratefull as all get out, this is getting to
be a major PITA.
- --
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Version: N/A
Comment: Jesus Is Lord
Comment: Fingerprint: CA5F AE9C 3CD8 96AC 70C5 0608 1A48 6D10
I hope someone here can help, I've tried about I know
Two machines, running win98se, using windoz ics to share a dialup (yeah,
it's a pain but there's no other options out here in BFE.)
Host is:
PII 333Mhz /250 Mb Ram
Zone Alarm free version firewall.
(set high security for internet zone, medium for trusted zone.)
Norton 2002 AV
Client is:
PI 233Mhz /64Mb Ram
Sygate Personal firewall
(strict rules allowing known programs and block all else.)
Norton 2002 AV
host or client will without warning experience major slowdown. all
processes slow to barely noticeable crawl. mouse cursor moves freely, but
everything else is all but frozen. does not matter what's running, usually
happens in evenings and weekends. After anywhere from a few seconds to a
few minutes, everything starts running normally again. This behavior
started sometime in the last four months or so. It was very rare at first,
and has been more and more frequent lately.
Attempted fixes:
Full scan with norton av after getting latest defs.
nothing found.
RegCleaner 4.0 build 744 by Jouni Vuorio:
Full scan. revealed mess of invalid registry keys. deleted all.
System mechanic:
scan for and remove all junk files
scan registry, found mess of invalid keys.. removed all.
Ad-Aware Se personal with latest definitions,
full scan, found a mess of tracking cookies and a few registry keys.
removed all cookies except for two that are known login cookies,
removed all reg keys found to be suspect.
Spybot S&D ('final' version with the BHO fix)
latest updates and full scan.
found some more cookies, several more reg keys.
cookies dealt with, reg keys either fixed or removed.
CWShredder (latest version)
Found and removed two CWS variants (same two on both machines)
HijackThis (latest version) doesn't show anything obvious, but I'm certain
I dont' know all the things to look for.
All these efforts, while they yield cleaner systems, have no effect on the
problem of the mysterious slowdowns. it does not appear to matter which
machine is running how many processes or what is accessing internet.
If somebody has a clue we'd be gratefull as all get out, this is getting to
be a major PITA.
- --
remove .this to email
Version: N/A
Comment: Jesus Is Lord
Comment: Fingerprint: CA5F AE9C 3CD8 96AC 70C5 0608 1A48 6D10