I have a mutex that releases while I am still holding a reference to
it! Maybe this is "garbage collection 101" and this old C++ programmer
just needs to get used to it...
Here's a boiled-down snippet of VB I used in order to implement a
single-instance app. (I can't use the application framework's single-
instance feature because it chokes on my form.)
Sub Main
Dim goodToGo As Boolean = False
Dim singleInstance As Threading.Mutex = Nothing
singleInstance = New Threading.Mutex(True,
Application.ProductName & ".SingleInstance", goodToGo)
If Not goodToGo Then
' (find the existing instance and activate it)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
' (log errors)
' doesn't work if you remove the next line
If goodToGo Then singleInstance.ReleaseMutex()
End Try
End Sub
This works, but if I take out the call to ReleaseMutex in the Finally
block I can them start as many instances as I want. The mutex releases
all by itself shortly after being acquired. This was highly
Silly me, thinking that I could keep a reference to an object by, uh,
keeping a reference to an object.
It appears that the garbage collector is outsmarting me by realizing
that the mutex object is never again being referenced and killing it.
I couldn't demonstrate this with a small test program. This is a
moderate sized app. A couple dozen forms, maybe two hundred source
files total.
(And yes, I know it's bad practice to not explicitly release a mutex
but one normally assumes that program exit cleans stuff like that up.)
Any other interpretations of what's going on here?
Thank you and be warned.
-- Carl
it! Maybe this is "garbage collection 101" and this old C++ programmer
just needs to get used to it...
Here's a boiled-down snippet of VB I used in order to implement a
single-instance app. (I can't use the application framework's single-
instance feature because it chokes on my form.)
Sub Main
Dim goodToGo As Boolean = False
Dim singleInstance As Threading.Mutex = Nothing
singleInstance = New Threading.Mutex(True,
Application.ProductName & ".SingleInstance", goodToGo)
If Not goodToGo Then
' (find the existing instance and activate it)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
' (log errors)
' doesn't work if you remove the next line
If goodToGo Then singleInstance.ReleaseMutex()
End Try
End Sub
This works, but if I take out the call to ReleaseMutex in the Finally
block I can them start as many instances as I want. The mutex releases
all by itself shortly after being acquired. This was highly
Silly me, thinking that I could keep a reference to an object by, uh,
keeping a reference to an object.
It appears that the garbage collector is outsmarting me by realizing
that the mutex object is never again being referenced and killing it.
I couldn't demonstrate this with a small test program. This is a
moderate sized app. A couple dozen forms, maybe two hundred source
files total.
(And yes, I know it's bad practice to not explicitly release a mutex
but one normally assumes that program exit cleans stuff like that up.)
Any other interpretations of what's going on here?
Thank you and be warned.
-- Carl