I've written an app that contacts a web server in order to log in, grab and
display info based on serial numbers entered, and add the info to a "cart" of
sorts on the web server. It's in vb.net, and uses InputBox(...) for the
login form (which is shown in the main form's Load event handler) and
HttpWebRequest objects to communicate with the server.
The app ran fine in the emulator that comes with vs.net 2003, so i made an
msi of it and shared it for testing. The installer appeared to work fine as
well, but upon running the program we see all sorts of strangeness...
* The input panel doesn't appear on the menu bar for the login form (a modal
dialog a la InputBox).
* MSN Messenger is the active form when the login form is closed. Messenger
was not running when the app started.
* The tester has a keyboard installed, and managed to fill in the login
form. Once he hit "ok", the main form popped up....but immediately, a
message about an "unexpected error" appeared--IN THE INFO TEXTBOX. No
dialog, no "details" button, none of that. The error appeared, the main form
stayed for another half second or so, and then the app died.
* All this happens every time the app runs. I'd probably see more
strangeness if i could keep it running.
The testing PDA is an iPaq 5450 (PPC 2002, windows v3.0.11171 [build 11178])
with .net CF v1.0 SP2. The emulator appears to be running .net v1.0, but the
windows version number is identical to the PDA's. Both machines have plenty
of memory left.
display info based on serial numbers entered, and add the info to a "cart" of
sorts on the web server. It's in vb.net, and uses InputBox(...) for the
login form (which is shown in the main form's Load event handler) and
HttpWebRequest objects to communicate with the server.
The app ran fine in the emulator that comes with vs.net 2003, so i made an
msi of it and shared it for testing. The installer appeared to work fine as
well, but upon running the program we see all sorts of strangeness...
* The input panel doesn't appear on the menu bar for the login form (a modal
dialog a la InputBox).
* MSN Messenger is the active form when the login form is closed. Messenger
was not running when the app started.
* The tester has a keyboard installed, and managed to fill in the login
form. Once he hit "ok", the main form popped up....but immediately, a
message about an "unexpected error" appeared--IN THE INFO TEXTBOX. No
dialog, no "details" button, none of that. The error appeared, the main form
stayed for another half second or so, and then the app died.
* All this happens every time the app runs. I'd probably see more
strangeness if i could keep it running.
The testing PDA is an iPaq 5450 (PPC 2002, windows v3.0.11171 [build 11178])
with .net CF v1.0 SP2. The emulator appears to be running .net v1.0, but the
windows version number is identical to the PDA's. Both machines have plenty
of memory left.