Unemployed people are being tricked

Jan 4, 2003
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That piece is very worrying and if what the whistleblower has said is true then This needs investigating thoroughly..
Disgusting state of affairs for the government to pressure Jobcentre staff who are there to help get work, actually cut any benefits and effectively in terms of if that person lives with a landlord or rents privately will make them homeless!
Yep very scary. I'm unemployed and have been for awhile!

It's not nice! I try and try however I get no where. No idea why not.

And plain "You ain't suitable"

I hate going to sign on. I feel scorned at times from a mere look

And now this has come too light. It explains a lot. I had my money stopped a while ago.
Immediately after picking my son up I went to see them. They didn't give a hoot and just said " you can appeal" Needless to say I WAS NOT HAPPY. I made a huge fuss at times shouting out loud. Asking them "who is now going to feed my 2 years old son while i have him with me for the week" They didn't like that at all

Needless to say I got my money!!

I really hate signing on with a passion. I have no choice and in 20mins i'm about to do it again :(
I have been unemployed several times during my working life and it ain't nice. When I first came out of the RM but then as I was young it was only for a short time before I got a job, at the time in the latter 60's there was plenty of work about if you did not doing menial work. Then again when I was pensioned out of the Fire Service I was in my late 40's and no one would employ any one over forty with a knackered back eventually I went self employed as a courier driver with a little white van. With all the insurances and cost of vehicle maintainance I would have been better on the dole. Eventually I got a caretakers job with Kent County Council in an office block. If you work all your life I think you are entitled to assistance from the state as you have paid into the state and not being penalised by some petty pen pusher who has a job and is trying to lick favour from the boss. But then I am biased as strong union man.
Had to sign on a few years back, what a joke. If you went in to the JC to use the job banks to look for work, you had to go to the desk to get a ticket, they wrote the time on it, then 15 minutes under that. With in 15 minutes you had some little jumped up security gaurd tell ya to move on your 15 minutes were up.
That was the day I started doing agency work. I can understand people saying it is hard to find work if you are after a specific thing. But sorry when the rent has to be payed and the kids need to be fed, you take anything that comes. And there is enough agency work out there. I still do agency work on top of my normal job, and I do anything they throw at me :D
Not good is it? This Goverment has been the most brutal I have ever known and I've sen a few.

They blame the previous Goverment, the previous goverment blames the previous goverment.... ad nauseum.

I recently saw a news article that said research showed the main perpetrators of the UK August riots were 'poor, young and not particularly bright'. No **** Sherlock, how much money, I wonder, did it take to work out what is patently obvious to most of us?

Why do I mention that? It's cos it's these people, not the brightest, the easiest to trick, the most vulnerable, that this Goverment is cutting the lifeline from. Cameron was raised with a silver spoon in his mouth and was part of the public school's network's social elite, he knows nothing of financial misery and has never been hungry.

I've nothing against rich folk but I don't like evil people with no compassion and no links with reality.

And yes, I know I said I'm apolitical but imo the current bunch of creeps have reached new lows.

There are those, of course, who will welcome this treatment, label claimants 'scroungers and scum' and smile as they see misery doled out. These are the same people who wonder how the UK could have been subject to anarchy and riots recently, albeit briefly.

And prior to today's student demos against raised University fees the UK Police warned they would use rubber bullets against them if necessary. Perhaps unrelated and I do have mixed views on that one, but sometimes I despair at how things are.
:D Even the head teachers have voted to go on strike so that will shake our political masters as it has never been known that head teachers have ever been known to even have a strike ballot.