Undoing Master Password?



I've got Windows XP Pro. I set a master password. Now I want to undo
it. I can't figure out how. I hope I don't lose all the unique
passwords in the process.


Awaiting your responses with baited breath, I remain, yours truly,
<*(((>< ~~~



Shenan Stanley

I've got Windows XP Pro. I set a master password. Now I want to
undo it. I can't figure out how. I hope I don't lose all the
unique passwords in the process.


You need to better define what you mean by "master password".


I let Windows XP "remember" many of the passwords and login
information that I use when I visit different online sites. I saw an
option to set a "Master Password" which said it would offer extra
security. I set it. YES, I remember it. But I have to type it in
quite often, and I'd rather not. I want to get rid of the "Master
Password" and just let the cookies or whatever remember the login
information for my sites.

I hope this is more clear.

Awaiting your responses with baited breath, I remain, yours truly,
<*(((>< ~~~

Alec S.

I hope this is more clear.

Um, not really.

I let Windows XP "remember" many of the passwords and login
information that I use when I visit different online sites. I saw an
option to set a "Master Password" which said it would offer extra
security. I set it. YES, I remember it. But I have to type it in
quite often, and I'd rather not. I want to get rid of the "Master
Password" and just let the cookies or whatever remember the login
information for my sites.

"Master Password"? Where did you see this option? On a web site? Internet Explorer does indeed offer to save you passwords, but
it does not have a "master" password. What has setting the master password done? Has it had any effect? Are you talking about
some kind of password managing program like RoboForm?

Shenan Stanley

I've got Windows XP Pro. I set a master password. Now I want to
undo it. I can't figure out how. I hope I don't lose all the
unique passwords in the process.


I let Windows XP "remember" many of the passwords and login
information that I use when I visit different online sites. I saw
an option to set a "Master Password" which said it would offer extra
security. I set it. YES, I remember it. But I have to type it in
quite often, and I'd rather not. I want to get rid of the "Master
Password" and just let the cookies or whatever remember the login
information for my sites.

I hope this is more clear.

The only reference to a MASTER PASSWORD I can find that would do what you
descrbe has nothing to do with Windows XP itself - other than the
application(s) will run on Windows XP...

Q: I forgot my Master Password. Can I recover it?
A: You cannot. The whole point of Passcard and Identity security is that
only the person who knows the Master Password can use Passcards and
Identities protected by this password.
If you forgot your Master Password (or if you do not remember creating one
but RoboForm requests it from time to time) then the only course of action
is to remove all Passcards and Identities protected by Master Password and
then remove Master Password itself.
In "Options -> Security" click "Set Master Password, Mass Protect/Unprotect"
button, click "I forgot it!" button and follow the instructions.


There are others - those I think you may have. Windows XP has no such
"master password" that I know of.

Ronnie Vernon MVP

It sounds like you are using Firefox, Thunderbird, Mozilla or a third party password manager.. This has nothing to do with XP or Internet Explorer.


I've got Windows XP Pro. I set a master password. Now I want to undo
it. I can't figure out how. I hope I don't lose all the unique
passwords in the process.


Awaiting your responses with baited breath, I remain, yours truly,
<*(((>< ~~~

As Ronnie V stated, that sounds like another app, not an XP function. I
know of now such thing in XP.
I know for sure that the Thunderbird (mozilla et al) uses a Master
Password, and also keeps track of other passwords for you. Since I can see
you your headers that you're at least using Forte. Are you by chance an
Earthlink subscriber?

Also, are you certain that "master password" is the exact, correct name
for what you want to describe? If so, AFAIK, it's sort of a password that
protects your other passwords, and is not part of XP, but is part of an
application you are running.


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