Undo only good for 1 change?

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Top Spin

In Word, the Undo function will keep track of a fairly large number of
changes. I believe I have undone at least 0-15 changes.

Excel will only undo 1 change. Is there some setting I need to change
to maximize the Undo capability?


Strange you can get only one Undo.

XL 97, 2002 and 2003 default is 16 levels.

I thought so, too. I just did a little more testing and discovered
that there are apparently (at least) two "modes?" which affect Undo:
Ready and Enter/Edit.

In Ready mode, I do have 16 Undo levels.

In Enter/Edit mode, Undo seems to toggle between the current cells
contents and the contents when the cell entered Enter/Edit mode.
That's what I was seeing that looked like just 1 level to me.

I am a heavy Word user and not used to the Excel style.

I a relieved not to have to make any registry changes.

I kinda like the implementation, once I got used to it.

In Word, the Undo function will keep track of a fairly large number of
changes. I believe I have undone at least 0-15 changes.

Excel will only undo 1 change. Is there some setting I need to change
to maximize the Undo capability?


Thanks to all who replied. On the off chance that it will be useful to
someone else, here is my summary of the Excel "modes". This is the
fundamental difference between how Excel and Word operate:

There are 3 "modes": Ready, Enter, and Edit. The current mode is
indicated in the status bar in the lower left hand corner. Several
keyboard keys operate quite differently depending on the mode. The
following table summarized the transitions and the differences:

-------------- Current Mode --------------
Key Ready Enter Edit

F2 Edit Edit Enter

Enter Ready Ready Ready

Left/right Next cell Ready, Next character
arrows next cell in the cell

Up/dn Next cell Ready, No effect
arrows next cell

Tab/ Ready, Ready, Ready,
backtab next cell next cell next cell

Click Select cell Edit, and Position
Ready position curser

Dbl-click Enter/ Edit, select Select word
Edit(1) word in cell in the cell

Tpl-click Edit No effect(2) No effect(3)

(1) Double click enters Enter mode for an empty cell, Edit mode for a
non-empty cell.
(2) The double-click enters Edit mode, the third click is ignored.
(3) The double-click selects a word and the third click unselects it.

This looks a lot better in a table (Word or Excel)

Please let me know if you spot any errors or omissions.
