Undisclosed recepients ?



Can anyone solve this puzzle?

I have received an email which has undisclosed recepients as the subject
line. What I want to know is, is there a list of everyone who it was sent
to somewhere in the message?

And if so how do I get to it?

Any ideas, anyone?


Roady [MVP]

You mean as the "To" field?

And no, you cannot see it.

Roady [MVP]
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Thanks Roady

Yes, sorry I mean the to field.

Do you mean it's not there (as in it's on a server somewhere) or do you mean
it's encoced or something?


Roady [MVP]

Well undisclosed recipient probably has an e-mail address to it. This
address represents a distributiongroup on the server which you are in. Lots
of spam/virus messages uses this but also valid distribution lists. Contact
the sender if you want to know the recipients.

Roady [MVP]
Microsoft Office and Microsoft Office related News
Also Outlook FAQ, How To's, Downloads and more...

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address when mailing)

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