underscore prefix


mike parr

A few times when looking at code on the net I have seen objects,
variables etc prefixed by an underscore. But I've never seen any
explanation for the reason for this. What is the reason for doing this?



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Scott Allen

I think the guidlines actually discourage use of m_ when it says "Do
not apply a prefix to field names or static field names."

Bob Grommes

Nothing magical about it; it's just one of many naming conventions for
private class members. I think the underscore prefix is favored by C++



I think prefixing any variable in a strongly typed environment simply adds
clutter. I find the convention of capitalizing public members but not
private is much more elegant. Just my opinion.


Rakesh Rajan said:
Hmm...I have always been in the opinion that whenever we have an exposed
member like a public variable or property etc, we should avoid Hungarian
Notation and prefixes of any type. But for private entities, I would use m_
or a prefix...

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