in a book i'm reading it says the underscore character is
used in vba as a line continuation character. However,
when i write the following SQL statement the first field
on the third line is highlighted and an error appears
stating 'compile error: expected: list seperator or )'.
Why is this?
Set mrec = mdb.OpenRecordset("SELECT
tblLoanRelation.lngAcquisitionNumbercnt, _
tblBookRelation.strISBN, tblBookRelation.strTitle,
tblBookRelation.strAuthor, _
tblLoanRelation.dtmDateBorrowed FROM tblloanrelation, _
tblacquisitionrelation, tblbookrelation WHERE _
ion.lngacquisitionnumbercnt _
AND tblacquisitionrelation.strisbn=tblbookrelation.strisbn
AND tblloanrelation.lngBorrowerNumbercnt=" &
mvarlngNumber, dbOpenDynaset)
in a book i'm reading it says the underscore character is
used in vba as a line continuation character. However,
when i write the following SQL statement the first field
on the third line is highlighted and an error appears
stating 'compile error: expected: list seperator or )'.
Why is this?
Set mrec = mdb.OpenRecordset("SELECT
tblLoanRelation.lngAcquisitionNumbercnt, _
tblBookRelation.strISBN, tblBookRelation.strTitle,
tblBookRelation.strAuthor, _
tblLoanRelation.dtmDateBorrowed FROM tblloanrelation, _
tblacquisitionrelation, tblbookrelation WHERE _
ion.lngacquisitionnumbercnt _
AND tblacquisitionrelation.strisbn=tblbookrelation.strisbn
AND tblloanrelation.lngBorrowerNumbercnt=" &
mvarlngNumber, dbOpenDynaset)