Under Win XP Pro SP2 Need to Format Floppy with DOS Command Format A:/S

  • Thread starter Thread starter AA Smith
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AA Smith

I need to flash the BIOS on my motherboard. First, however, I need to
create a BOOTABLE floppy on which to save the original motherboard BIOS and
the flash memory writer before flashing the motherboard to the new BIOS.
That way, if the new BIOS doesn't work, I can Flash the old BIOS onto my

A WinXP Pro SP2 Command Prompt will not permit me to execute Format A:/S.
So, how can I create a bootable floppy disk under WinXP Pro SP2?
Answered in the general news group.


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

Quote from: George Ankner
"If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!"
This is helpful, however, it's like the old saying,"I asked for the time,
and got a long dissertation about how to build a watch." Not complaining,
but all I need is one floppy with the DOS system transferred to it; nothing
else. No autoexec.bat, no config.sys--Nothing but a formatted floppy with
the dos boot system files.
I know, it used to be easier.

But you CAN'T make a honest-to-God
DOS boot floppy with NT. You can make one
that'll be bootable, but it won't be DOS, and
some flasher programs will bork on it.

That's what the site is all about ;-)
This is helpful, however, it's like the old saying,"I asked for
the time, and got a long dissertation about how to build a
watch." Not complaining, but all I need is one floppy with the
DOS system transferred to it; nothing else. No autoexec.bat, no
config.sys--Nothing but a formatted floppy with the dos boot
system files.

1) Click Start-> Help and Support, then type "format diskette" in the
search box.

You can make an DOS boot dksi directly when you right click on the Floppy
icon and click "format". You usually need these type of boot disks in order
to flash BIOS or drive firmwares.
Again, I say:


It's a "pseudo-DOS" bootable diskette-some
flasher programs WILL refuse to run with it as
the version number it reports is unknown by
the flasher program (older Adaptec SCSI controllers
with onboard BIOS come to mind).

Just an FYI.