Yesterday some idiot didn't approve of a picture I had taken of her at a
July 4th party. While looking at it, she tried to delete it. What she did
was to delete all the pics from the smart media card. The Fuji camera has
both smart media and compact flash cards so I immediately stopped using the
SmartMedia card and switched to start writing to the compact flash card;
She is devastated by this but I suspect not devastated enough to pay for a
program to restore all the pics I took
I now wonder if there is any way of easily undeleting the twenty or so pics
of other people at her party that she deleted?
July 4th party. While looking at it, she tried to delete it. What she did
was to delete all the pics from the smart media card. The Fuji camera has
both smart media and compact flash cards so I immediately stopped using the
SmartMedia card and switched to start writing to the compact flash card;
She is devastated by this but I suspect not devastated enough to pay for a
program to restore all the pics I took
I now wonder if there is any way of easily undeleting the twenty or so pics
of other people at her party that she deleted?