I created a module called MovAvg to calculate the moving
average of the past 3 weeks worth of data. I then created
a query and entered an expression, to tell the query to
average the past 3 weeks worth of data where the currency
type and the transaction date are the same. When I try to
run the query, I get the error message "Undefined
function "MovAvg" in Expression". Can you please help me
so that this will work. I have a much more complex moving
average to calculate once I figure this problem out.
My module code looks like this:
Option Explicit
'The following function MovAvg computes moving averages
based on a table with a multiple-field primary key.
Function MovAvg(currencyType, startDate, period As Integer)
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim sql As String
Dim ma As Currency
sql = "Select * from table1 "
sql = sql & "where currencyType = '" & currencyType
& "'"
sql = sql & " and transactiondate <= #" & startDate
& "#"
sql = sql & " order by transactiondate"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)
For n = 0 To period - 1
If rst.BOF Then
MovAvg = 0
Exit Function
ma = ma + rst.Fields("rate")
End If
Next n
MovAvg = ma / period
End Function
The query expression looks like:
Expr1: MovAvg([CurrencyType],[TransactionDate],3)
I created a module called MovAvg to calculate the moving
average of the past 3 weeks worth of data. I then created
a query and entered an expression, to tell the query to
average the past 3 weeks worth of data where the currency
type and the transaction date are the same. When I try to
run the query, I get the error message "Undefined
function "MovAvg" in Expression". Can you please help me
so that this will work. I have a much more complex moving
average to calculate once I figure this problem out.
My module code looks like this:
Option Explicit
'The following function MovAvg computes moving averages
based on a table with a multiple-field primary key.
Function MovAvg(currencyType, startDate, period As Integer)
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim sql As String
Dim ma As Currency
sql = "Select * from table1 "
sql = sql & "where currencyType = '" & currencyType
& "'"
sql = sql & " and transactiondate <= #" & startDate
& "#"
sql = sql & " order by transactiondate"
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)
For n = 0 To period - 1
If rst.BOF Then
MovAvg = 0
Exit Function
ma = ma + rst.Fields("rate")
End If
Next n
MovAvg = ma / period
End Function
The query expression looks like:
Expr1: MovAvg([CurrencyType],[TransactionDate],3)